Did you know....
If you ever wondered what a certain dental hygienist was REALLY thinking behind her mask--this is it.
I was so so wrong to have ever complained about unloading her. It took 2 minutes. TWO. About as long to re-heat a burrito in the microwave. Time well spent lovingly stacking glasses and nesting bowls into the cupboards.
Someone asked me to send out some 'words of wisdom' regarding the things I have learned the past few years. As a person who is constantly learning life lessons, I realize this list is small compared to what it would be if I were older and wiser. Feel free to chime in and write something in the comments sections of what you know for sure. I'd love to hear it.
Here is what I know for sure...
* My family and friends are solid. They are rooting for me more than I know. In turn, I also have the responsibility and honor to be there for them whenever possible.
* You cannot please everyone, everytime.
* All you can do is your best. If it's not good enough, I can just shrug my shoulders and walk away knowing I did my best.
* Worry, stress, frustration, jealousy and anger are wasted emotions that sap much-needed energy away from more important things
* Everyone goes thru the same situations in their own way with their own sensibilities
* Expectations cause disappointment.
* Being a perfectionist isn't always a good thing because 'perfect' to one person may not be 'perfect' to another.
* Controlling behavior hurts people and undermines their confidence in themselves.
* Internally, we are all a child, rebel, bully, basket case, leader, follower, and a loner.
* It takes everyone in a group to make a group 3 dimensional. To only have a handful of people dominating that group makes the group flatter and less interesting overall. Everyone deserves an equal chance to shine
* Courage is subjective.
* It's OK to ask for help. Getting assistance doesn't make you weak.
* There are layers to learning. Sometimes I'm not ready to learn something until another layer has been added to increase my understanding.
*Laughter is better for your liver than Prozac.
* What isn't love is fear...and nothing else.
(above photo by my friend, David Seltzer--a brilliant artist.)