There is an epic battle of wills being waged at my house lately.
It's the battle of toilet paper rolls.
When the kids were here, Wes taught them to ALWAYS load the new toilet paper onto the spindle every time they replaced a roll. The were pretty good about it. Seeing the spindle with only the empty TP inner cardboard would take this normally calm man into another dimension.
He'd become irritated, irate.
Not...Wes-like at all.
Since Tia moved out over 3 years ago, and Brodie has been gone a few weeks, apparently I'm not performing this task to Wes' specifications. He knows who the culprit is (obviously ME) who isn't replacing the roll.
There are 3 bathrooms in my house. THREE.
In each of the bathrooms is an empty spindle and the new roll of toilet paper is sitting on the back of the toilet. I haven't replaced the roll. He hasn't replaced the roll. Not one.
We don't talk about it, but I can tell it's there.
What is there? A battle...a battle of wills.
Me vs Him
Who wins? Him? Me?
Or will we each hold out from replacing the roll, therefore it NEVER gets done?
Will we have acres of empty, brown carboard tubes lined up on the back of the toilet?
Will we start making crafty items for our friends from them while we're just sitting there?
Maybe a Christmas angel for the tree.....or we can string them together, spray paint a lovely metallic gold and they can become a necklace for the Statue of Liberty.
Who knows what we can create--the sky is the limit here.
At least until someone decides to come visit and we're forced to deal with the toilet paper situation, I supect we'll each be holding out. Locking eyes over the toilet seat. Neither one of us moving a muscle, holding our breath. Standing firm.
You know, it's a simple thing to give in and gently place the toilet roll onto the spindle.
I could even go as far as putting the paper in the 'over' position, instead of the 'under' position, just like he likes it.
Yes, I could.
But that's not the crux of the matter, is it?
It's a test of our marriage, this challenge of toilet paper replacement
Our formerly happy 25+ year marriage is in shambles.
This may send us into counselling. Or a hypnotist. Or acupuncture. Or maybe our Chi is off and we need herbal therapy.
I'm off to go look into the yellow pages.
We may have to drive a little further, but I'm sure I can find someone who specializes in this sort of situation.
Wish us luck.