Gifts are ...... Taking a risk of heartache.
Going full bore. Letting go. Opening up. Receiving. Giving.
How interesting.
Sounds kind of like love, doesnt it?
(listening to: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2HJiL6OerCI&feature=related)
If you ever wondered what a certain dental hygienist was REALLY thinking behind her mask--this is it.
fresh, organic vegetables from my garden
gathered at dawn, pleasantly glistening as I lift from their beds
crispy potatoes roasting in cold-pressed olive oil
delicate sauces bubbling softly on the stove
chop, chop, chop
feet shod in crazy red clogs
ugly sundress with vintage apron
happily singing off key to the radio nearby
Maggie forever underfoot
kitchen therapy
dinner is ready
(listening to:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZtPF9M3nIHs)
See this work of art?
Its a pizza I made with homemade crust (recipe to follow), ground beef, mushrooms, garlic, cheese, and red onion.
I wanted to try out my new pizza stone.
The only problem was I didnt realize I needed to grease or season my stone.
In the interest of full disclosure, I must confess that I literally couldnt lift this pizza off the stone. We wound up eating just the toppings.....which was my intention all along--think lower carbs, right?
Pizza Crust
2 c Water
1/2 c Oil
3 cloves Garlic; crushed
2 tablespoons Sugar
1 teaspoon Salt
6 cups Flour (I use half whole wheat/half white)
2 pk Yeast (2.5 teaspoons per package)
Dissolve yeast in water and add sugar; wait a few minutes; add oil and salt and garlic.
Mix in 3 cups flour and whip about 10 min till it leaves the side of the mixer bowl. Add remaining flour knead till smooth. Allow to rise twice in the bowl. Punch down. Roll out or press onto well oiled baking sheet (thats the part I didnt do...oops)
Bake at 425* 20 min.
Makes 2 crusts
Prancing around in a pine green outfit with itchy red and white striped tights.
Wishing mightily for the Costco sized bottle of Purell
Dangling smelly babies into Santa’s arms.
Warning the snotty little 8 year old determined to kick Santa in the goolies.
Arguing over allotted ‘lap time’ with a precocious kids mom
Inventory of candy canes
Curbing my acerbic wit until I implode in a fit of unsaid words and rolling eyes
Wrestling the flask out of Santa’s gloved hands mid-shift, yet secretly having a wee nip behind the back drop during a break (medicinal only of course)
Fake snow lodged in places I dont even want to think about
Giving the ‘tiny pinch’ (think soft part of the upper arm) to the little darling that is too old to be touching the Elf (namely ME)in that manner
Getting my heart torn asunder when a little girl begs to have Daddy home from Iraq
Trying to see Christmas from a child’s perspective (and failing utterly)
Realizing I’ve blown the big Santa secret for a dozen kids in line when I call him ‘George’
Ducking the eggnog shake that comes flying at me from some gang of laughing teens walking by
Making minimum wage
Cleaning up after the real reindeer that mall management thought would lend an authentic air
Spraying ‘’pine scent’ to cover up the unwashed, tired Santa sitting in the festive chair as well as the aforementioned authentic raindeer
Letting above Santa get all the glory, because after all—HE IS SANTA!!
While all of this sounds oh-so fun, I think I’m gonna have to pass this year.
Sucking spit and scraping gums may not be a glamour job—but at least I don’t have to wear pointy shoes.
Unless I want to, that is.