If you ever wondered what a certain dental hygienist was REALLY thinking behind her mask--this is it.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
All Hallow's Eve

Thursday, October 29, 2009
Grabbing the brass ring....

Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Unemployment Sucks.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Pioneer Woman Cookbook

Monday, October 26, 2009

Friday, October 23, 2009
Shopper Style

Have you ever noticed the different styles of grocery shoppers?
There are the 'get whatever is on the list, dont look at the prices grab and go' people. Just step aside and let this one pass. You will actually feel the wind as they blow by. Make no eye contact.
It's safer that way.
The 'Couple' shoppers. Noticeably older than the average shoppers. Male of the couple isnt comfortable pushing the cart, but wants to be a supportive husband now that he's retired. Tosses in extra junk food when wife isnt looking, and asks out loud WHY groceries cost a small fortune compared to when he last shopped (30 years prior). Wife just looks grim and adds a liter bottle of brown liquor to the growing pile on the cart.
Then there are the 'I'm super slow, but by golly I'm getting the best value for my money' shopper. They are attuned to the scales and a calculator for an accurate check out experience. They are awash in their frugalness. They have bulk food and store labels in the cart, and a lot of coupons hanging out of their purses. Dont get behind them in the check out line--or you will be very very sorry.
The elderly/unemployed/ shut in shopper who is just happy to be out and about. They talk constantly and take up both sides of the aisles. This is a social outing for them and they want to make it last as long as possible. Again, avoid being behind them in the check out line. You might not get out alive.
The 'I'm harried and crabby because I have my kids with me and work sucked today' person. This person is driving a cart with a kid perched on her hip, one crying kid in the cart and a cell phone plastered to her ear. Often in heels. Looks beyond exhausted. My advice: Let her in line in front of you. Its a small thing, but may make a huge difference.
There is the 'new dieter, looking at all the labels' shopper. Usually has a weight watcher points calculator and a determined expression. There is a lot of eye rolling and soft gasps when they discover the 'healthy' thing they have been gorging on--isnt.
The 'I am a vegetarian and I'm going to buy organic if it kills me' shopper. Usually these types look pious and pale. Kids in tow are either so unruly even the nice elderly shut in wants to kill them...or spindly, too grown up and shaky. Their appearance depends on if they are able to sneak away from their parents to their best friend's house and eat a ham sandwich on occasion. With Kool-Aid.
But my very favorite shopper of all is the "this is my first time away from home and mom always did all this crap for me' shopper.
They make me laugh when I see them trying to fit a big appetite with a small budget. There is typically alot of Ramen noodles and beer in their cart, with the token lettuce for a salad.
Who are they kidding? We all know they wont be actually eating that lettuce. Its simply there for decoration to be nestled in amongst the beer in the fridge.
So, next time you go to the grocery store...try to determine which one of these shoppers fits your style. Or maybe, start a new trend of your own.
I'll be watching for you...!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Monkey See, Monkey Do
On some of our motorcycle tours this summer, Wes and I have found some amazing places to stop off and have lunch. I really enjoy trying the local, independently owned places. This particular spot caught my eye. According to their ads painted on the roofline, it seems they serve Banana Splits, CornDogs, Milkshakes and Monkey. Well, I've never had monkey before, so when I walked up to the counter--I figured I'd get me a monkey sandwich and an ice cold coke.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Monday, October 19, 2009

When I hear music like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=so6ExplQlaY
I get so inspired, I just wish I could download the years of information and relentless practice to my brain and simply sit down at my piano and just...PLAY.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
The 50th
This weekend, I travelled back to my hometown in California to attend family friend's 50th anniversary party.
It was a long trip down, and it will be a long trip back. It's humid here. It's expensive. It's uncomfortable at times when I meet someone who hasnt seen me in awhile and they are less than flattering about my crow's feet and 'platinum highlights'.
But you know, I would have crawled here on my lips.
I would have stayed in a sweltering tent.
I would endure 1000 indignities to go to this party.
Why? because it was a CELEBRATION.
A REAL bona fide CELEBRATION of 2 people who fell in love, got married way too young (17 and 20) and overcame huge obstacles in the past 50 years.
In this love story, the wife had a massive stroke about 15 years ago, leaving her a much different woman. Initially handicapped, she still looked like the same person on the outside.
But she wasnt.
This confused a lot of people. They didnt understand, so friends left them alone as the couple tried to develop and nurture a 'new normal'. I understand the tragedy of the situation wasnt the worst part of the ordeal--it was losing their friends.
But, the patience, love and care shown by the husband was seriously one of the sweetest things I've ever encountered.
He never let her down.
He was as true to her in sickness as he was in health. He was there to cheer her on.
To dry her tears.
To kiss away her confusion.
These are not heroes or 'celebrities'.
They are the salt of the earth. They toil away their entire lives not for fame or fortune...but for a warm place to lay their heads and some food in their stomachs.
And for each other.
Always for each other.
As the microphone was passed around today, not one person mentioned how much money this pair had amassed. Not a word about their clean house or their new cars. What was said repeatedly was how much this couple meant to everyone, how terrific their kids were and how much of themselves they gave to the community.
What an excellent testement to a life well lived.
You know, there are very few things worth celebrating right now in this economy. Job losses, foreclosures, domestic violence. Man's inhumanity to man is commonplace.
Strife is a constant. Stress is evident on everyone's faces.
So, for these two--I'm happy to shout --I'm CELEBRATING!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Small Obsessions
Its been really fun to press pie crust pastry into wide mouth half pint jars and fill the caverns with various fruits (or meats).
I then add a top crusts, flute the edges and screw on the lids.
Pop into the freezer to be put straight into the oven for an hour for an evening treat.
No more facing an entire pie that we get sick of, or shouldnt be eating.
Tonight, I pulled out some tiny apple pies and baked them .
I was VERY glad I set them on a cookie sheet since their juices ran all over (see picture),
but I have to say.......they were perfect.
Absolutely darling.
They were so stinking cute, I wanted to gather them up and drop tiny kisses upon their sweetness. So adorable, they practically belonged on a keychain.
Anyway...I was waiting anxiously to see how my darling husband would like them.
Wes pulled the top crust off of his steaming pie, peered into the soft, sugary, cinnamon apple interior and said ''Now, this is a perfect spot to put some vanilla ice cream''.
I swear I felt my ass get bigger.
Love and Marriage

To him, I was demanding , pushing him past his comfort level.
To me, he was the guy that expected me to work all the time and be that 'perfect' person.
When we looked at each other...it was with something akin to 'roommates'.
And so our marriage slid downhill in a big way.
Most long term relationships cannot survive that kind of disconnect.
While I wont go into everything in a public forum, suffice it to say things drew to a head a few weeks ago.
We are fighting this thing called indifference and apathy.
We are trying to find nice things to say to each other, appreciate the little things and figure out why we got married in the first place.
We are finally starting to have fun again....together.
I think we're going to be all right.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
I ride....therefore I am.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Not a Crisis til I say it is....

Monday, October 12, 2009

Tuesday, October 6, 2009
...And nothing but the truth....

Monday, October 5, 2009
Dusting off the Keys

It's funny, I never expected anyone to actually read this stuff, must less garner a following.
Maybe its time to start the engine, grease the wheels and kick the spiders off the keyboard.
Hang on kids....this could be a bumpy ride.
I'm back.