I love giving presents.
Listening to my friends and family all year, jotting down notes on tiny scraps of paper.
Researching where to get something. Maybe making it myself, or having it made especially for them. I'm not one to just last minute race to the store and pick up any old thing.
I think a gift should reflect both the giver and the recipient.
There is total joy for me when someone opens a box and has a 'WOW' kind of reaction.
Conversely, I'm totally crushed when one of my present is tossed aside without even a comment.
I feel as abandoned as the gift. Bereft. Like I had somehow failed in my quest.
It's also hard for me to send a present out via the parcel post. It's like casting a child adrift into the sea on an iceberg and hoping they are all right at the end of their journey. What if never arrives? What if its broken? Smashed to smithereens?
Wait, what exactly IS a 'smithereen', anyway?
Anyway.....I digress...
I love being there when my gift is opened. Watching faces for clues, hearing the sucked in breath of discovery. Trying not to jump up and down in excitement with them, because its supposed to be about THEM. Their reaction. Their joy. Their excitement.
There are times I wish I could be one of those people that buys randomly, shoves the item into a box and folds any old paper around it and slaps on a bow. An uncoordinated-with-the-paper bow.
Seems these folks arent emotionally attached.
Wait, maybe not.
Maybe they dont get hurt, but they dont have as much to be excited about either.
Gifts are ...... Taking a risk of heartache.
Going full bore. Letting go. Opening up. Receiving. Giving.
How interesting.
Sounds kind of like love, doesnt it?
(listening to: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2HJiL6OerCI&feature=related)