When I was a kid
I rode the school bus an hour each way
Every day, sitting with my friend Janet
without fail
We got a new driver who seemed pleasant enough
as the months went on
she grew more and more nasty to me
saying things under her breath
glaring at me and my siblings
one day
I was alone
my sibling weren't on the bus with me
and Janet was home with the flu
something snapped
this driver pulled the bus over
unbuckled her seat belt and walked toward the back
I was reading, not paying much attention
until she stood next to me
nearly touching
I looked up
wondering who was getting into trouble
then realized she was addressing me
She unleashed a barrage of hate
a tirade of epic proportions
spewing words intended to inflict the most pain possible
she stuck her finger in my face
called me and my family 'a bunch of snobs'
(which we weren't)
and predicted dire things would happen to me if I didn't
'change my ways'
I remember
being close to tears
red faced and embarrassed
I didn't say anything to her as she continued yelling
the entire bus was strangely silent and appalled
nobody said a word
nobody knew where to look
in those days, if an adult said something to a kid
with our rural upbringing
kids didn't talk back
This incident remained one of the most horrific of my childhood
because it was so unfair, so angry and so unexpected
my surprise
the other day
I received a Facebook friend request
from her son, Bruce
with whom I had graduated
I completely hesitated
Bruce was always friendly to me
supremely confident
older than his chronological years
and now a retired police officer
with some trepidation
I agreed to be his FB friend
We wrote a few notes
catching up the last 30 years
He informed me I was ''a really nice person in school''
to which
I relayed the incident with his mother
I could tell
he was completely shocked and upset
by my letter
then he told me something about his home life
during those years
his mother was being beaten and abused
by an alcoholic husband
she began drinking heavily as well
their home was in shambles
they moved every few months
due to evictions and money issues
they had 5 sons they neglected
Bruce didn't have to tell me all of that
he could have brushed off the incident
he seemed to sense the closure I needed
His revelations changed the way I saw his mother
and in understanding her home life
I was able to process that awful bus incident
in a more adult way
now I realize
She was lashing out at her life
not at the 14 year old girl
reading quietly on the bus
that rainy April
Note: Bruce's step father died years ago,
his brother committed suicide at the age of 33
Bruce's mom is no longer an alcoholic
I wish her well