I've gone on record in this blog and
out loud with my own
friends and family
and took aim at Christians that aren't ''really'' Christians
As I have stated, I can respect anyone that actually lives their faith
What I cannot fathom are the Christians that don't walk the talk
That said, I've never met a real Christian
Someone honorable and loving
like Jesus was, supposedly
What concerns me, is Christians seem to forget it was their religion
that blasted it's way through history
and still are
How many people who opposed the Christian faith have
been tortured, maimed and killed?
Why are they now upset with Muslims who are basically doing the same thing?
Let's not forget: Christianity is the cult that made it.
It also sickens me to see Christian missionaries
establishing themselves in undeveloped countries
They feed, house and clothe people--the poorest of the poor
In exchange, they want conversion
conversion to Christianity
OF COURSE a dying population will convert!
If it were me, I'd say anything you wanted, if it meant my
family had a home and food
With this latest tragedy in Haiti, the ''leaders'' of the Christian
faith have stepped forward
I'm half-listening to their hate filled posturing
Their pompous attitudes
as they sit in luxury
awash in sin
and greed
They call themselves the ''moral majority''
I'm just really grateful not to be counted among them
At least one person had the courage to say what the rest of us were thinking.
My hat is off to you, sir: