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Monday, February 28, 2011

The Period Palace

(This is my ideal hut pictured above, complete with mini bar)

I'm going to talk about menstruation 
if you're even a little bit squeamish
please log off your computer
wring your hands a few dozen times
mutter stuff about ''disgusting bloggers of the Pacific Northwest''
contact your therapist
and discuss 
many cultures
women who are having their monthly menses are considered
and must be separated from the rest of society
This tradition
used to absolutely incense me
I'd get so angry
I couldn't believe how awful this banishment
must be for the helpless women
recently I've been re-thinking my stance
on the menstruation hut
found a new appreciation
you imagine
a week out of the month
you trudge down to the little house
in the back yard
pink suitcase rolling awkwardly over sprinkler heads and grass
throwing sad glances over your shoulder
at your family
waving mournfully
blowing kisses
calling out ''I love you's''
inside your head
you're gleefully thinking 
no cooking 
no cleaning
no kids or husband pulling at you
no car pools
no phone calls
no work
just lots of 
jammie days
I would probably figure out a way
to stay there more often
after an entire week all to myself
transitioning to the regular
routine again 
wouldn't be 

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Silence Isn't Always Golden

My parents taught me
''If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all''
I can't always agree
with that philosophy
I believe
''All that is needed for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing''
doesn't mean I'm going to race around shouting
and raising a ruckus
I can say
I am doing what I can
my little corner of the 

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Nap Quest

I want to write a little something
in defense of napping
I see nothing wrong with a midday siesta
recharging one's batteries
in the hustle and bustle world
I mean
there anything more delicious
than laying down 
somewhere quiet
letting the cares of the day slip by
as you feel 
your body relaxing
your eyes closing
and once again you are
transported to a drowsy

Friday, February 25, 2011

Under The Microscope

Sometimes there are things that make you say
if you examine these things too closely
you have the potential of having 
hurt feelings
sometimes it's just easier
to walk away
good feelings intact
without knowing

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

You can't polish a turd.

I keep learning the same lesson
I suppose it's because I tend to look at
things that sparkle and shine with rose colored glasses
thinking it has both substance and dazzle
I'm realizing
to have both is rare and precious
I know I'll be learning this lesson
until I finally
get it

No matter 
how much you want it
not to be
even a gold plated 
pile of manure
is still


It's only 5am
I wish

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Yesterday morning
I spent a couple of hours getting 
light chemical peel facial on my face
(it's a girl thing)
I walked out of the day spa
no makeup
face red and blotchy
wearing my pink ball cap
 nasty sweats and a tshirt
grey pullover zip front hoodie
with sneakers
looking....quite frankly
like a homeless, hot mess
wanting to  run home and change
I decided to run over to the grocery store
popped into the stationary shop
then to an afternoon matinee
I felt pretty self conscious
because I looked so schlumpy
as if I was ''less than''
what I noticed after awhile
was how completely
I seemed to be
nobody looked at me
not one person smiled at me
in fact
a guy actually ran into me at the theater
spilling my popcorn
he barely muttered a ''sorry''
as he brushed past me
doors were slammed in my face 
I walked behind people going into shops
not one person stopped to hold the door open
what was that about
 I guess 
I learned a pretty big big lesson yesterday
 about assumptions
always looking a person
in the 

Monday, February 21, 2011

Kids and Koins

I wonder how parents
teach their kids about money
these days
After all
nobody uses cash
and when you do need some
paper money just spits out of a machine
plastic cards are simply swiped
it's rare to see anyone writing a check
a difficult concept 
to teach to children anyway
you work
you receive paper
you go out and buy stuff with the paper
 and the ultimate game winner 
the person who is able to
keep as much paper in their pocket
grateful that my kids
knew about money
before it 

Saturday, February 19, 2011


Baby Got Back

Having a baby changes a woman's body

Not all of us are Heidi Klum, who can sport a skimpy bikini panty set (complete with wings )on a runway a week after givng birth to her 15th child in 6 years.

Granted, she has lovely genetics.

She obviously eats right and works out during her pregnancy.

But come ON.
How realistic is she?

Take me for example.

I had a baby at the ages of 20 and 23, respectively

I gained a ton of weight

Never worked out beyond lifting granny panties onto my thighs

I figured at my young age...it would all snap back.
After all, my mom had a bikini body after having 3 kids

The woman didn't have even one stretch mark, despite being 4'10'' and 95lbs and birthing 8 pounders.

I was golden.

Boy was I wrong. Dead wrong.
Since not everything ''snapped back'' to my pre-pregnancy look

I've learned the art of the lounge lay.

Those little maneuvers that are meant to shave imperfections off your post-baby body

Lift thighs up slightly off of chairs so they don't look all spread out and bigger

Wear great uplifting demi bras in hot colors to detract from the fact that you're essentially rolling your breasts up to put into the cups

Stand slightly behind someone in photos

Ride a giant motorcycle so your ass looks smaller...or they are too afraid of you to say anything

Do these things work?
Do they make you look completely neurotic and vain?
Besides,  I think a woman who is a size 4 in her 40's looks gaunt and old
Look at Helen Gurley Brown
Can we all say a collective ''ewwww''?
So, my advice to those of you struggling

Give it up and eat what you want.
Enjoy who you are
tell yourself
perfection is overrated anyway

Friday, February 18, 2011

The Handyman

I don't fix things
I never really have had to figure out
if I have the aptitude or not
I grew up with guys who fixed stuff
married a guy who fixes stuff
The following is an actual conversation
between my husband and myself


Me: "Does it bother you that I never fix stuff?'
Him: "Why are you asking me this?"
Me: "No reason, just wondered''
Him: ''Well, I figure you make dinner and I fix stuff''
Me: "And you're ok with those roles?''
Him: (shrugs) "Seems to be working''
Me: "What happens if you die first and I have no clue on how to fix stuff?''
Him: "Likely you're going to be in trouble. ''
Me "Maybe I can learn''
Him: "Then what would I do??''
Me: "Make dinner. We could trade off"
Him : "No"
Me: ''Again...what happens if you die and I can't fix stuff?''
Him: "Sounds like you'd miss me very much''

There you have it
I'm pretty much 

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Me, on a plate

I love watching cooking shows
they inspire me
my surprise when a fellow foodie
while having lunch
waving her fork in the air
mid bite
asked me
''If you were to put you on a plate, what dish would you be?'
Without skipping a beat
I replied

''Lobster Pot Pie''

multi layered
have an edge of surprise
So having said that
think for a moment
ask yourself
what dish would

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

What's It Worth?

I've owned
rather been owned 
by 3 lovely funny sweet
Scottish Terriers
spanning the past 18 years
Mad Maggie McTavish
(aka 'The Moo')
is the only one left
and at age 12
I've noticed she's slowing down a bit
isn't hearing as well
her eyes cloudy
she sleeps more
barks at nothing
her beard gray
I can't help but wonder
when she will join the other two
as treasured memories
I have moments of thinking like that
I have to ponder
the 12 or 13 years of unconditional love
one gets from a pet
worth the pain of saying the final goodbye?
the all encompassing never ending
I have to say for myself
the answer is a resounding
 Nothing is worth that kind of pain
not even 
Scottish Terrier

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day
to those out there
who care about such trivial nonsense
the romantic absurdity
silly hearts
overpriced flowers
moldy stuffed animals
stale chocolates
overblown expectations
you're still waiting for that 
elusive soul mate
they are
Take heart
sometimes when you least expect
 the right someone comes along
you give them 
your time
your trust
sharing spirits
neither of you are ever
the same

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Thanks Mr. Kerouac

"Here's to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round heads in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They're not fond of rules and they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify them, or vilify them. But the only thing you can't do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do."
                                                                                                    — Jack Kerouac

Saturday, February 12, 2011

What women really want

If you truly want to know what women want....

* We don't want you to have the body of a god. We really don't. We love it for bragging-to-our-friends purposes, but if you're in better shape than we are, well.....ugh!
However, a man who takes care of himself by working out is infinitely more attractive because it shows he cares about his physical health.
Regular grooming, showering daily, shaving, trimming (yes, even using moisturizer) and choosing an outfit that looks good is hot. By the way....The right amount of cologne can turn a 5 into a 9 pretty fast too.

* Be a champion-get between us and whoever is trying to tear us down (even if we're the ones doing it to ourselves)

* Listen, but don't offer up solutions. Just simply say ''how can I help?'

* Be trustworthy. If you aren't, don't expect us to be fine about being lied to and deceived.
   Nobody wants to be perceived they are an idiot.

* Be interesting...have a hobby or a passion that you develop outside of us

* Be a caveman sometimes. It's OK and shows you're male. We may roll our eyes, but secretly we kind of like that

* Slight jealousy is fine , it shows you care...out of control jealously is silly. We are here with you because we want to be. No amount of legal paperwork will make someone stay if they don't want to

* Have friends. Go out with them

* When the door closes in the bedroom, be fully present. Be there. For us. You can't expect intimacy in our relationship if you aren't giving 100% too.

*Love our children. Be soft and firm with them, as needed. Know their hopes and dreams, who their doctors are, where they go to school, their teachers. Be a parent, not a friend. By the way, when you're watching the kids, you aren't ''babysitting'' them. They are YOUR children too.

*Tell us we're beautiful, even when we know we aren't.

*Surprise us in little ways. Sure flowers and candy are great, but so cliche'...use some imagination!
Lotion, a towel and a foot rub don't cost anything...but are remembered.

* Help around the house. There's nothing sexier than a man with dishpan hands, or is willing to roll up his sleeves. Hint: When the woman isn't exhausted by work, kids and housework--you get more sex.
Trust me on this one.

* Don't bitch about your job constantly. It makes us feel guilty and we cant fix it. Change jobs if you hate yours so much.

* Give us time to ourselves.Take some for yourself too

Hope this clears up any confusion you guys may be having.
Now, go get us some chocolate.
And hurry up, please.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Bieber Fever?

Just in case you needed a little nudge
Justin Bieber's new movie 
comes out on Friday

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Tiny Bubble

Don't get me wrong
I love small towns
I grew up in one
people are typically friendly
the traffic congestion is low
you know who you can trust
and who you can't
I think it's important for people 
to leave small towns
and return 
after they've experienced
life outside the bubble
learn new ideas
new ways of looking at things
expand their minds a little
but I really feel
the growing is in the leaving
just this week
I've talked with people
from small towns
''don't like internet''
''don't have cable''
''don't read outside newspapers''
refuse to grasp that there are important
 happening beyond their small world
they love the idea
remaining big fish in tiny ponds
it's their claim to fame
kind of like
the quarterback in high school
(now a portly insurance agent)
still wearing his letterman's jacket
30 years later


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Sensitive

You would think
as outspoken and direct as I am
that nothing phases me
I must be made of teflon
on occasion
I've been accused of 
being the sensitive sort
thin skinned
too easily crushed
~Imagine that~

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Back to Basics

After watching that horrendous program
''Food, Inc''
I've decided to live with more intent
no longer will I be mindlessly buying things
off a supermarket shelf
without knowing where it came from
how humanely animals are treated
nor will I dismiss 
the impact of my purchases on the world
I'm getting back to my roots
I'm buying raw milk now
about 4 miles down the road
from a farmer in his late 70's
 grizzled, opinionated and wearing faded overalls
he pats his cows 
with affection when he's talking to them
gallon of milk a week
self serve
money paid on the honor system
these 2 jars of mine
produced 1/2 pound of butter
the buttermilk left over
makes the most delicious 
 2 loaves of bread
which I then turn around
and barter with my neighbor
extra butter and a loaf of bread
for his eggs and honey
keeps us both happy
our ecological footprint minimized
tiny, baby steps
but steps

Monday, February 7, 2011

Letting Go

letting go of someone
means letting go 
your expectations
the person you thought they were
not who they actually

Sunday, February 6, 2011

The Writing Gig

There is a very fine line
writing humor
attempting to get a point across
not being vulgar
 staying timely
 sort of hip
but not too current
showing confidence
politically correct
with a razor sharp edge
I've learned
not everyone is going 
to ''get'' my humor
appreciate the actual thought
that goes into
every sentence
every word
every punctuation point
I dearly love getting paid
to do such cool work
I've quickly discovered
it's a job
there are trade offs 
and oddly
the one thing I lost
right away
in writing humorous prose
would be
my real sense of 

Friday, February 4, 2011

Get Well Soon..and Hurry Up

It's been an incredibly weird month
the span of 4 weeks
my sister
my uncle
my son
my niece
have been in the hospital for 
life threatening illnesses
In America
the home of 
'we don't want you stepping foot into a hospital'
insurance companies not doctors
determine your care
this is a huge 

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Event Planning

After much thought
a couple of glasses of wine
a late night
some late 70's music
bolstering the nostalgia factor
decided to be the organizer 
for my class reunion
that was 3 days ago
in that time
I have gotten 4 hate emails
9 ''yaaay I'll come if you're throwing it'' emails
countless texts
offers of help for ''just the fun parts''
calendars of when people's kids are out of school
schedules from their work
the bottom line is
I finally have figured out
putting this circus down
I won't make 100% of the people 100% happy
even if I tried
its true
''no good deed goes unpunished''

(our class song)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Over and Over Again....

Flogging a dead horse
over and over and over
repeating the same issues
is a brain drain
emotion killer
and completely 
counter productive
to moving forward
a bout of wallowing
which is completely understandable

 try to learn from the situation

pull up your big kid panties
make different choices for your future
and carry