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Sunday, January 31, 2010

Fairy Tales

Remember Fairy Tales?

I had them read to me,


in turn read them to my kids

I didn't really give them much thought

In re-reading them lately

with a much more critical eye

I had a ghastly idea
Fairy Tales are designed to keep children fearful

Not to take the adventurous path

To remain cocooned in safety

only the good little children

get the rewards


wealth, safety, friends and treats


proper prince and princesses


the children that disobey authority

or ask ''why''

are either eaten by wolves


they lose everything

including their parents

Someone really needs to write

a fairy tale

that tells of calculated risks

that worked out


Saturday, January 30, 2010

Love is Blind

Is love blind?

Have you ever noticed that when you are in a relationship
you no longer see that person
as others do?
Some may put on those rose colored glasses
only see the good parts
Or many wear a microscope
critque that individual to death.

Either way (or a lovely mashup of the two),
the point is:
When you enter into any sort of relationship
be it with a new guy..or a new girlfriend
there are
some things that get overlooked
Some things that are important and critical

And balanced

I guess that's why a girl needs to have friends.

To tell her when things are seeming
weird or wonky
To be that touchstone of reality

And so, I raise my (virtual) glass to the friends
that have
kept me grounded
They tell me the truth
even when it's painful to hear.
They kick me in the ass and hug me after
stick with me through the highs and the lows


Friday, January 29, 2010

Que Sera Sera

Can men and women be friends?
Just friends
the kind of friends like
2 women
2 men
I think it's possible
both parties agree to those terms
and neither allows the thin veneer
to blossom into something
because that's when things get awkward
and awful

Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Peevery

Pet Peeves
We all have them
And in some odd way
we celebrate them
I think
they are what makes us unique
would you want
everyone to know what annoys you
right off the bat
if you had a bubble over your head
with a list
How many people would bother talking to you?
could you expect others
adjust their behavior accordingly?
I mean...
your petty annoyances are LISTED for goodness' sake
So, where is the fun in that?
Aren't relationships supposed to be compromise?
Learning about each other?
Figuring out how to make
those silly conflicts into workable
Obviously, there are some pet peeves
that are real deal breakers
will never be reconciled
I believe
for the most part
relationships are like puzzles
and there are very very few
that fit

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Call it Courage

"What isn't love is fear..and nothing else...''
I wholeheartedly believe in that statement
If you break down anger, jealousy,
and other negative emotions
the basic common denominator
is fear
Fear can never be eradicated completely,
but it can be controlled
Controlled by courage
So,what exactly is courage?
In my handy dandy online dictionary
Courage is defined as
the mental and moral strength to venture, persevere,
withstand danger, fear, or difficulty
For some people, courage comes in waves
and for others
its compartmentalized
For instance, I've always been fairly courageous
in my strong belief
speaking my mind
standing up for
those I love
On the other hand
I lack courage when it comes to
setting boundaries
The older I get
the more I realize
doing something that makes me uncomfortable
whether it be on a physical, mental
or emotional level
is the way I need to grow and expand
as a human being
I only wish I could
give everyone a cup of courage
(or 10)
counter their fears
that are holding them back
certain happiness


Sometimes, I say more by being silent
Remaining still
I don't have the answer to every question
But I do know
If I had a crystal ball
I'd be dangerous
I'd want to protect everyone
in my world

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Prank Videos

If you really want a laugh......


This one is great too.....

Hope you enjoyed!!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Off The Grid

I spent today at the ''Natural Earth Home Show''
was a total waste of makeup
I mean that literally
I really shouldn't have worn makeup
I thought I would
fit in
by wearing Birkenstocks and jeans
but sadly
I practically had ''Republican'' written all over me
in this crowd
It must have been the cashmere sweater
or the fact that
I shave my legs
Somehow....they knew.
I was an impostor
sent to infiltrate their world
However....on the up side
I did score some excellent organic wine
and some fair trade bittersweet chocolate
I'm seriously looking into solar panels
for my roof
next year
when I go to this particular home show
I can walk around looking smug
with my
holier than thou-off the grid self
you can bet
next year
I won't be wearing pearls

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Secret Selves

I believe everyone has secret selves
sides of their personalities not shown
and certain activities
never revealed
to anyone
including to spouses and best friends
So, why does our society demand full disclosure?
For some reason
People have expectations of knowing literally everything
about someone
what makes them tick
who they are
Their familial status
Financial solvency
Who their friends are
their childhood
dreams and aspirations
what happens if someone gets too close?
do you embrace them
or wish them gone
so you can
continue being who you really are
in complete

Friday, January 22, 2010


There is a funny thing that happens in life
We all face difficulties from time to time
Some are harder to recover from
some you simply never get over
I've always used this analogy:
It's like you're at the beach having a great time
standing in the surf
splashing, hopping up and down in the water
as gentle waves lap against you
all of a sudden
a bigger wave hits you
making you wobble just a bit
and before you can recover
another wave comes at you
leaving you gasping
for air
and trying to find a good foothold
wave upon wave
one after the other
and very soon
you are
The main concept here
is to not rely on a fast rescue
stand up by yourself
for yourself
play again

Weather Watcher

I admit it
I snickered like a 4th grader when I saw this
I have no idea when I will ever grow up
I'm sorry

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Kindred Spirits

I heard from a very very dear friend recently
I hadn't talked to him in a while
and it was absolutely wonderful to hear his voice again
We spoke for 4 hours on the phone
Not once did the conversation falter
were we nervous
with each other
It was a just-right mix
of warmth
teasing laughter
and solid sincerity
We picked up exactly where we had left off
smack dab
in the middle
of an
excellent friendship

(listening to:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FbQfE2Oi6Wo)

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Take A Beautiful Moment

This song really speaks to me

The Black Sheep

I don't really fit into a classic mold
It's OK, I never really have
I'm one of these women who cherish their women friends
but prefer to hang out with guys
who are seemingly less angst ridden
Sadly, I don't get all giddy over childbirth stories
Makeup bores me to tears
Hairstyles that take a lot of time...Yuck
My stylish sister says I shop like a man
for instance
If I find an item of clothing I like
I buy one in every color
and wear it to death
Therefore, I dress in a ''classic'' sense
so I don't have to dig through malls
for the perfect ensemble
I love motorcycles
scuba diving, fishing
and other ''male'' pursuits
does this make me masculine?
I don't think so
I believe it makes me more interesting
well rounded and complex
to be able to embrace the best of both
to have the yin
I believe
you really need the yang as well

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

An interesting experiment....

I read of a couple that was living the typical American consumerism ideal
They hit a pretty rough spot financially and decided to do the unthinkable:
They decided to stop spending money
This family that consisted of a couple
and their two children (ages 9 and 12)
agreed they would only buy food and medicine for one year
There would be no trips to the mall, no gifts bought, and clothes would have to be outgrown
This experiment tested them both personally and as a family
From what I understood from the article, the man had the most difficulties
making it through the year
He was ''caught'' purchasing candy and sodas several times
When their dishwasher decided to break down
they hated the sacrifice
of washing their dishes by hand
What they ultimately discovered in their year
was the most surprising thing of all
in their frugal lifestyle
They bought TIME
They hadn't realized how much time had been spent shopping
and pursuing their own separate interests
And the children stopped asking for things at the store
and actually became much better behaved
After the year was over, they were all changed for the good
Their days of frivolous spending
were over

Monday, January 18, 2010


I've figured out why gold fish are typically a child's first pet.
They are easier to flush than a puppy.

(listening to:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1NvgLkuEtkA)

Sunday, January 17, 2010

The scarlet letter

My Friend
He found himself attracted to a married woman
She was his very best friend
his confidant
his everything
and then
He chose to leave her
which meant
He broke his own heart to preserve a family
her family
So now
He remains silent
behind a wall
when all he wants to do
is lay down
and cry

(listening to: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3IRYO2P3yp8)

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Judge not...

I have a very cool job
I am a Food Judge
This means, I get paid to eat
Like anything, this job has it's ups and downs
It's very responsible
Contracts are signed a year in advance
Travel plans set in motion
There's a lot of money and bragging rights
riding on my endorsement
After checking into a cheerless hotel room
I go through reams of rules and regulations
for that particular competition
Find out how many assistants I have
If I'm the only paid judge
Which actually does make a difference
Since it gives me the deciding vote
and I have to do a lot of hand holding
and guiding
Believe me when I tell you--not everyone has
a good palate
I also can't eat anything hot or spicy for at least 2 weeks
prior to a competition
On the upside
I get to try out the best of the best
BBQ, pies, cakes, cheeses, preserves, cookies
You name it
I've probably eaten it
I remember one fair
I was in the middle of judging preserves and jams
lurking in the middle shelf was
quart jar
with one whole pickled pigs foot
How I dreaded opening that jar!
It was my job to try it
I put on my game face
started to fish it out
the brackish vinegar
imagine my great relief and horror
to find a bunch of hair attached to
the knuckle
Since the foot hadn't been properly cleaned
I was able to disqualify it instantly
and set it aside
As I happily
spooned jam
and dug into layer cakes
and pies
and cookies
for the rest of the afternoon

(listening to:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mGL4btEIoTo)

The Game

When should one give up?
Stop trying?
Is it when the bad overwhelms the good?
When the pain becomes too great?
The fun isn't there anymore?
As for me
I think it's time to call it a day
you stop being who you are
you are a mere shadow of your original existence
Of course
This varies from week to week
day to day
moment to moment
but I think
for the most part
You just know when its your time

Friday, January 15, 2010

Hate via Haiti

I've gone on record in this blog and out loud with my own
friends and family
and took aim at Christians that aren't ''really'' Christians
As I have stated, I can respect anyone that actually lives their faith
What I cannot fathom are the Christians that don't walk the talk
That said, I've never met a real Christian
Someone honorable and loving
like Jesus was, supposedly
What concerns me, is Christians seem to forget it was their religion
that blasted it's way through history
and still are
How many people who opposed the Christian faith have
been tortured, maimed and killed?
Why are they now upset with Muslims who are basically doing the same thing?
Let's not forget: Christianity is the cult that made it.
It also sickens me to see Christian missionaries
establishing themselves in undeveloped countries
They feed, house and clothe people--the poorest of the poor
In exchange, they want conversion
conversion to Christianity
OF COURSE a dying population will convert!
If it were me, I'd say anything you wanted, if it meant my
family had a home and food
With this latest tragedy in Haiti, the ''leaders'' of the Christian
faith have stepped forward
I'm half-listening to their hate filled posturing
Their pompous attitudes
as they sit in luxury
awash in sin
and greed
They call themselves the ''moral majority''
I'm just really grateful not to be counted among them
At least one person had the courage to say what the rest of us were thinking.
My hat is off to you, sir:

The Epiphany

I rode my motorcycle today
It was pretty chilly, but I needed to ride
Coming home, I had one of the most significant
experiences of my life
I was cold-really, really cold
The pavement was dry and the road straight
I was travelling at 76 mph
For a moment there--it could have been about 45 seconds
I felt nothing
I wasn't cold anymore
No vibration of the bike on the road
I didn't feel my body
No wind
The Ipod was silent in my ears
I was the most focused and clear than I've been, ever
It felt like being in the eye of a tornado
Perfectly silent
In that moment, I knew exactly what I needed to do with my life
Where I'm meant to be
What I'm supposed to do
Who I am
Thank-you Universe
I needed that

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Keep your eyes peeled...

I'm officially looking for a tropical island to buy
Either in the Caribbean or the Bahamas
Must have white sand beaches
360 degree views
Fresh water
Be completely private
And above all
Must have 2 trees spaced perfectly apart
So I can lie in a hammock

Biology 101

Biologically speaking, I don't believe human beings are supposed to be monogamous.
Sure, it can feel good to be with one person
To be able to count on the other spouse when children are involved
Sharing in household duties and financial matters
But, if we look at humans as the animals we are...we aren't supposed to be tied to one partner.
Case in point
I had noticed a mallard duck had been killed on the side of the road
His mated female sat next to him day after day
She refused to leave his side
She died too
I don't know of one human being who would have that kind of devotion
Also, I believe
If humans mated for life, there wouldn't be divorce
or people wouldn't remarry after a spouse passes away
This illustrates to me monogamy is an unnatural state for humans
It's brought on by religion and social mores
So, the next time you hear of someone having an affair
Try to curb your outrage
Be kind
They happen to the best of people

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Brothers Gibb

I was pondering something today.
The Brothers Gibb aka ''The BeeGees" have lost one of their members.
Since there are still two, they can still call themselves ''The BeeGees''.
So, what happens if another one dies?
Would the remaining single guy in the group call himself
''The BeeGee''?
But wait--he's no longer a brother in a group.
Would he then call himself
''The Gee''

(listening to:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IHWeuQyFouo)
(Note: OMG --no wonder the guy sang so high with those pants!)

It's a sad fact

I'm going to say something completely gauche
And awful
And so totally honest, you probably wont even believe me

Money DOES buy happiness
There, I said it out loud
I wish it weren't true, but it is

Just ask the people without enough to eat
Those that cant pay their bills
the Mother watching her child die because she cannot
afford a doctor's visit

(listening to: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nCAso76mbdI&feature=related)

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Morning Routine

toothbrush, toothpaste, mouth rinse, floss, facial cleanser, washcloth, hot water, soap, razor, shaving gel, shampoo, conditioner, body oil, towel, body lotion, toner, facial moisturizer, brush, mousse, blow dryer, hair pomade, hair spray, perfume, deodorant, powder, foundation, sponge, tweezers, blush, blush brush, eyeliner, shadow, eyelash curler, mascara, lip balm, lip stick
It's really not funny
I just realized how much of an impact my simple routine has on the environment.
Our planet
You know, the one we're borrowing from our kids
Every one of these products have to be manufactured
And tested
And packaged
And shipped
There has to be a better way
There just has to be

(listening to:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xbuzskVs6rc)

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Good Golly--Publish This Guy !!

I've had my funny bone tickled lately.
It's not for the easily offended.
Nor the faint of heart.
And there is underlying wisdom, if you search for it.


Friday, January 8, 2010

Willing and Able

Updating one's Last Will and Testament can be a sticky thing
It reminds you the hourglass of life is running out of sand
That you're a mere mortal
Simple flesh and blood
That someone will be assuming your financial status
The good, the bad and the ugly
Shouldering the responsibility of taking your place in line
Peeking into places they've never been allowed before
Or welcomed
I suppose it won't matter to me anymore
I'll be a memory
Hopefully a good one
One that made people laugh
Or think
Or learn
While I float peacefully on Shasta Lake
Late August or September
Dead Horse Cove
The sun kissing the horizon
Lazy, fat bumblebees rumbling home
Noisy speedboats have long gone
The current deep and strong
Sounds of dry leaves and falling rocks echoing
Deer skittishly come down to drink
Ever watchful
That's my favorite time
Gently sprinkle me from a quiet canoe
Crack a joke to cut the stillness
Float a few daisies if you have them
Paddle slowly back to the houseboat
And know
I'll be there with you

(listening to: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4f0p5KqdU9U)

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Broken Timelines

I've been busily putting together a scrapbook of sorts
I'm not one of those scrapbooking people that have all the fancy schmancy doo-dads scrolled all over the page. I didn't cut my photos with frilly scissors.
I didn't add cute and catchy captions.
Nor have I chosen the perfect paper to capture the mood of the photo.
All I've been doing is sliding the picture into the sleeve of a leather bound photo album
It's black
And plain
Trying to keep them in somewhat of an organized manner by timeline.
Which makes me wonder....
What if I come across a set of photos that perhaps meant something at one time--but don't now?
Friendships that have long since faded
Situations that didnt go well
Places that are no more
Should I include them in my beloved photo album?
Or should I allow that part of my life to remain undocumented?
Forgotten forever?
I finally made the choice to include even the photos that brought painful memories
I decided these pictures are history
My life in tangible documentation
All that I am today is because of the lessons I learned from every experience
Both positive and negative
To not include them would be walking away from the part of me that grew
And is still growing

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Welcome Back

Gifts unwrapped, pictures downloaded, dinner eaten, lights twinkled,traditions upheld, laughter enjoyed, family and friends celebrated, music sang.
Such were our Holidays this year.
2009 melted into 2010