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Friday, June 10, 2011

Auf Wiedersehen....for now.


Taking some much-needed time off
From blogging
From deadlines 
From thinking
 From trying
From .....everything.


Tuesday, May 31, 2011


I'm starting to understand
what is meant by ''turning tides''
I've always felt a pulling back
almost like an icy blast
the realization
taking me by surprise
kind of shocking, really
what happens when
seasons change
trust changes
attitudes change
conversation changes
relationships change
I don't know
I suppose
just like the tide
there isn't a damn thing
I can do about 

Monday, May 30, 2011

Just a Week......?

I was talking to a good friend of mine
the other day
a guy in his mid 50's
estranged from his lady love of 15 years
struggling to re-connect with her
and as I listened to him
(for the 382nd time)
bemoaning the 
fact they didn't ever
have alone time
suggested they take a week
go to a far off region
just the two of them
no TV
no phones
no books
no computer
no internet
no work
and just....be together

I was completely taken aback by his reaction
it was almost as if I'd stomped a kitten
He was aghast
''what in the world would we do?''
he sputtered
stopped and thought about it for a minute
 decided to tell him what *I* would do 
if I had the opportunity to spend
all that time with a partner I loved
we would have 
tons of 
walks on the beach
kite flying
wine at sunset
kissing for hours
blanket forts
the list is really endless
as I ran down that list to my friend
I could tell he didn't get it
and so I stopped
he can't stand to spend a single week alone
with his lady love
then she isn't someone
he is supposed to be with
in the first place

Saturday, May 28, 2011

You've been Flamingo'd

What does a bored 48 year old
do to the neighbors
on a Saturday night
for fun


Monday, May 23, 2011

Notify Me....Never

of the biggest things police officer 
spouses and families
is the random knock on the door
telling them their loved one 
has been killed or seriously injured
in the line of duty
This has been my reality
for the past 29 years
as a wife
I've been asking Wes what the 
notification policies are 
at his department
and I discovered
didn't really know
his reply
"I guess the Chief and the Chaplain would show up''
 since it's ME
daily uncertainty simply isn't going to work 
in my quest to remove the ''what ifs''
last week
I wrote a note to be placed in Wes' personnel file
designating a certain officer 
(a good friend to both of us... a riding buddy)
to be the 
liaison between myself and the police department
the person who will be my notifying officer
because I know
in the unlikely event of a catastrophe
when the chips are down
( and I fall apart )
he is the kind of stand up guy
would know exactly
what to do

Sunday, May 22, 2011


Thank-you, Amazon
only selling 
toilet paper

Saturday, May 21, 2011


Call it a recent obsession
I've been photographing hands
doing ordinary things

Thursday, May 19, 2011

What color is your parachute?

during a delightful 
''getting to know you''
sort of interview
I was asked the following question
"what color best describes you?'
I didn't skip a beat
My answer: 

There was a minute of 
stunned silence
(and a grin)
then he said
''NOBODY has ever said plaid...you DO think outside the box''


Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Sleepless in Oregon

Sleep...perchance to dream

I haven't been sleeping well lately
I bought new pillows
forced myself to sleep on them
flopping around like a trout
trying to get comfortable
once they got broken in
they were flat and stupid
I'm always cold
then I'm too hot
the phone rings at all hours
 the dog whines to get up on the bed
the neighbor's lawn service starts at 7am 
Wes is there, snoring
then he isn't
its getting to the point
I'm convinced I am going to 
have to remove 
the pillow top
the puffy down mattress pad
to get down to the 

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

A Trust Broken

25 years of marriage
down the drain
4 children devastated
1 wife humiliated
yet another reason
why I have gone on record here
 many times
you really NEVER know
what goes on behind closed doors
even when there are cameras
pointed directly at their

Sunday, May 15, 2011

The High Price of Mastery

Every Thursday
I've been taking all day classes
food preservation
It's been more intense than I expected
between homework and critical thinking
and hard metal chairs
I'm pretty tired by day's end
June 16th
I will have earned my 
''Master Food Preserver Certificate''
 This means 
I will be expected
to teach courses
write articles
handle speaking engagements
and man booths at farmer's markets
regarding food preservation
It also means
I probably won't kill
eating my homemade stuff

How cool is that?


Some things
it seems
will always remain 

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Feb 15, 1950.....

How did Walt Disney know?

Friday, May 13, 2011

A Cringe Worthy Past

As a child
you're born ignorant 
that is
your parent teaches you 
that is all you know, until you are exposed
to other viewpoints
different ways of doing things
you put that knowledge 
into a template of sorts
and measure everything 
you hear 
against what you actually know
For instance
I remember my father
dumping barrels and barrels
of used motor oil
down our very long driveway
making the gravel less dusty
I don't think he realized
he was harming the environment
ruining the soil, the air and the water
and I also
remember trips to the beach
playing in the tide pools
when we kids would pick up 
all the starfish we could find
dozens and dozens
put them into a plastic bag
bring them home to dry out
eventually forgotten and tossed into the trash
never understanding these were living creatures
or realizing how this would disrupt the eco balance
As I regularly walk the beach
in the Pacific Northwest
seeing a starfish in the tide pools is fairly rare
I often wonder how
my earlier actions 
in that outcome

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Word Up

I'm learning 
not to use generalized
words like
because they aren't true
the minute they leave my lips

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


I received this on my computer.

Somebody has a sense of humor over my grave misfortune, it seems.


 500 Internal Server Error

Sorry, something went wrong.

A team of highly trained monkeys has been dispatched to deal with this situation.
If you see them, show them this information:


Monday, May 9, 2011

The Birthday Boy

Wes' birthday was Saturday
He opted for a ''princess day''
he didn't want to make any decisions
  be held accountable for his actions
 watch his cholesterol 
he wanted to be 
 I was able to pull the day off
spoiled him without much of a hitch
(I did say no to the sponge bath, however)
some of the best surprises
came from the people who didn't know him
those people were willing to go the extra mile
to make his day special
for instance
this donut appeared out of no where
at the breakfast place
a farm we love
I  think little touches
such as this
are like hugs from strangers
reinforce my belief
in the inherent kindness
of humans

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Make Lemonade

know a lot of good people 
who have had lousy things happen
Job Loss
Handicapped Children
Businesses Closing
Health Issues
these things occured
they let it consume them
they became cocooned in pain
the problem became their entire life
couldn't see this supposed setback
as a stepping stone
an opportunity, if you will
to something new
a new path
to forge
a new life
and what makes me angry
how much of their life
(and others)
they have squandered
playing the victim
waiting for opportuinities
instead of making their own
when there are other people
who will never have the same chances
they have
and would give anything
to be them
even for a day

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Friday, May 6, 2011

Break Out

I've always wondered
if humans
who are in fairy stable 
socio-economic areas
(ie not starving in an African continent)
all have addictions
of some sort
(including prescription and caffeine)
 Plastic Surgery
seems to be the way so many of my friends cope
with today's pressures
they give up one addiction
it seems as if
another takes it's place
enough to make me say

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Yesterday Was Sublime


(doesn't Tawanda look cute there in the middle?)

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


is supposed to be
70 degrees and sunny
instead of pulling out the lawn mower
re-stringing the weed eater
pressure washing the moss off sidewalks
and a few others
will be blissfully flying
thru some serious curves
making our way to the coast
with our bikes
ipod blazing in my ear
stopping off
for some buttery clam chowder
served in a sourdough bread bowl
raising our voices to be heard
talking smack about
how someone came into a corner too hot
who is the worst rider
who has an ugly bike
knuckle bumping and nods
as we suit up again
taking the winding road back
tired and spent
the whole way

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


"I mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy. Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that"
-- Martin Luther King, Jr

Monday, May 2, 2011

Gotta love Stewie

It doesn't matter how often I watch this...it STILL makes me laugh.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Thin Blue Line

Being married to a police officer isn't easy
the divorce rate for cops is 98%
I can understand why
have been married 29 years
Wes has been a cop for 34 years
far longer than most
of his current co-workers have been alive
the job takes it's toll
emotionally, physically and mentally
vacations ruined
sleep interrupted
court dates changed
negative public perception
gruesome sights, smells and sounds
may have a thin blue line protecting us
around town
in my house
the thin blue line stops a couple of feet 
into the driveway
house rule is
Wes isn't allowed to be a cop here at home
for instance
we don't have cop paraphernalia
lying around
his uniforms are hung in a separate closet
along with his gear and guns
home is his sanctuary
his peace
(as it should be)
a particular tough time
I usually get a phone call midway through his day
I can tell in his voice
if it's been a bad one
(child abuse and murder cases messes with your mind and heart)
when he gets home
I do my best to help push away the demons
keeping conversation light
meeting him at the door
with a beer and a kiss
making a great dinner 
a sympathetic Scottie to cuddle
he immediately showers
washing off the despair
slides into comfy clothes
I've usually got a funny movie lined up for him
an interesting project
 while he tries to forget
what his mind doesn't want to accept
about his fellow humans

I often wonder how he does it
my silent husband
the cops who are typically the most affected
by this kind of work
the ones who don't talk it out
nobody thinks they are bothered
so stoic and quiet are they
but sometimes
they are the ones who need the most support
the most praise for a job well done
as they try their best
for all of us


Perception is Everything
have often said
people only hear what they want to hear
 the rest they will make up in their minds based on their 
combined experiences

In saying such a thing
let me give you an example
I simply hand a person an apple
he may decide in that moment
1. I am nice and going to feed him
2. I am giving him a poisoned apple and trying to kill him
3. I want something in exchange for the apple
(or a host of other things)
In the meantime
in my mind
I am merely handing him an apple
the tree in my yard produced so many
Is it any wonder
how miscommunication

Friday, April 29, 2011


I feel like our American lives 
have been taken over by the silly wedding
of someone who doesn't even live here 
cannot wait for this day to be over
after all the hashing and re-hashing
who was there
who wore what
who said what
who kissed who
who ate what
who ..........

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Time Bandits

I've managed 
to identify several large time sponges
that I gravitate to
these are the things that I do
to waste sweet, precious time
It's interesting
all have 24 hours in one day
 I have
always been surprised how 
some people seem
to get so much done
 in the same 24 hours 
while lately
I move at a snail's pace
a clear eye
I've been watching myself
standing outside looking inward
and it seems
the trouble starts
when I don't have a list of goals 
for the day
I find I tend to gravitate
to the time sponges
or anything shiny and fun
after what seems like a brief time
(which really isn't so brief at all)
the day has whiled away 
and it's dark outside
fine once in awhile
like eating candy for every meal
after a bit
 I don't want candy anymore
I'm finding
I'm needing some vegetables
leaving the candy
and the time sponges
for a time when I 
have time to 

*this is one of my favorite songs, sung by Andrea Bocelli and Sarah Brightman....to say I have everything recorded by Andrea Bocelli would be an understatement*

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Monday, April 25, 2011


clearing out and cleaning my old office
I came across greeting cards
stacks and stacks
probably 500
would be a pretty good estimate
handmade on filmy paper
beautiful holiday cards
funny friendship cards
sympathy cards that brought a tear to my eye
as I reorganized each card
into their new niche
I realized those cards represented 
my good intentions
but my terrible lack of follow through
my friends and family know I mean well
get emails, texts and phone calls from me
all the time
they never received the touchable part
telling them they matter to me

I guess 
I can only move forward from here
I will go to the post office tomorrow
pick up some stamps to keep handy
update my rolodex
and start sending out 
a piece of my heart
with each card
I write

Sunday, April 24, 2011

The Remodel

The picture isn't of my house
it may as well be
we are remodeling our downstairs area
I'm not sure if I should be happy
completely freaked out
by this mess
I've created
I did it to myself...it was my idea
my vision
Wes has been doing the bulk of the work
(he's pretty handy, and actually LIKES this stuff)
my spare time this past week
I had to take everything out of the downstairs office
load it into the formal living room
the rec room is full of saw horses
dust paint cans and tools
stacks and trails
dirty dusty messes
In my heart of hearts
I know
I have to overlook this temporary mess
I have to keep the big picture in mind
a gigantic laundry room
folding tables
floor to ceiling cabinets
labeled with contents
a built in ironing board
 right next to a 7 foot window
it's place
and a
place for everything
my limited patience is wearing thin
I cannot wait
to be 

Friday, April 22, 2011

Quid Pro Quo

I try my hardest not to keep score
when I have someone 
in my life
I constantly give give give give
and I ask for one teensy favor in return
something simple and easy
and she refuses
(without a reasonable excuse)
I admit
I react in a really negative way
person has no clue how I feel
it's not worth the drama of telling her
in her selfishness
she won't see
what I'm talking about
from here on out
the word '''no'' will be on my lips
far more than the word

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Little things.....mean a lot

On a recent week-long trip, these products above were
replenished in both hotel bathrooms daily
Which I then took home
and I may have filched some off the housekeeping cart
grabbing an armful and sprinting down the hallway like
a running back in the NFL
while Wes cringed in embarrassment and refused to speak to me for 2 days
plus, I found some extras lying around
which was nice too

I dearly love the teeny soaps and shampoos
I find in hotel bathrooms when I'm traveling
I can't possibly use all of the stuff
I get
I save them all up in a big box
a few times a year
I pull out some zippy bags
put together care packages
soap, shampoo, lotion, toothbrush, toothpaste
keeps them in his patrol car
or his locker
at work
he looks for an opportunity to hand them out
 to someone in need
delivers them to the local homeless shelter
a wandering hobo
 the local abused women's home
isn't much
doesn't cost me a thing
takes very little effort or time
if you think about it
sometimes the little things
like a personal are item
makes all the difference
in someone's day
it may mean someone cares
what are you doing
to help out your fellow
human being

Monday, April 18, 2011

Delightful Surprises

opening up my email 
is a like unwrapping a gift
 this one
  came complete
with a big heart
and a
green eyed

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Yes, it's all about YOU.

Urban Dictionary defines narcissism as ...A personality disorder where you have an abnormal desire for ones self, where you lack empathy, and unconscious inadequacy of self esteem, due to regression of child development. Also a delusion that you are more important than everyone else.

Once again, I feel the need to reiterate....this blog is about stuff going on inside MY head.
If you think a post I write is all about you, then I highly suggest you take a look at your own behavior and modify, if you think you should.
And try to calm down by taking deep breaths.
Remember, panic isn't pretty.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

The Wisdom of Kings

There's a story
I'm pretty confident you've heard it before
it goes something like this

This is a tale about 2 mothers
both fighting over the same baby
they decided to let the King 
determine who would be allowed to raise the child
The King
(wise man that he was)
declared the baby would be cut in half
and an equal piece be given to each woman
On hearing this
one of the women was completely satisfied
as she stood there with a smug look on her face
but the other woman was visibly distraught
agreed to give the baby to her foe
to spare the child's life
or rather 
her baby's life
In doing this
the King
instantly knew
who the real mother was
because she was
 willing to sacrifice her own happiness
so that her child would live

An interesting fable to be sure
even today
one that plays out
so many different

Friday, April 15, 2011

Completely Funny

I dare you not to laugh
(my best friend is Australian...I can see us in these two)

Thursday, April 14, 2011

On Being Human

While putting in a day a week
volunteering at the dental clinic
I have to admit
hit huge emotional roadblocks
in my soul
every time I am there
with a child 
who has rampant cavities
watching him
cringe in pain the moment I touch him
yet stoically not say a word
as I attempt to clean pus filled gingiva
thanking me afterwards with a shy smile
and a high five
as he gratefully climbs out of my chair
looking like the treasure chest of 
cheap trinkets
is the best thing he has ever seen in his life
as he walks away
clutching his new toothbrush and a tiny ball
I often wonder where he will wind up in life
these poorest of the poor kids
so very shy
speakers of spanish 
with the most
beautiful brown eyes
 I have to tell you
my heart really does bleed
every single day
for them
and their plight
even though I cannot say
a word

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Lesser Evil

I consider
as some of the lucky ones
in that
we have elections 
instead of an antiquated monarchy
 or fascist dictators
the ticket comes down
between these two
during  the next elections
I'm not sure which one I'd pick
The complete and utter ass
with decent business sense
but who has his own agenda
The guy who didn't live up to his promises
but has done a few good things
despite being handed a huge mess
he had no hand in making
Either way
I'm pretty confident
my ridiculously high taxes will continue
there will be soup lines
high unemployment

Un Pretty

Have you been hearing about
all the women who are dying
after enduring cosmetic procedures
hotel rooms

I don't understand
why someone would put themselves
into the hands of fake doctors
have back room surgeries
botched face lifts
bizarre permanent implants placed 
into their bodies
by someone unqualified
My thoughts are
you're dead
you aren't saving money
are you

Monday, April 11, 2011

Social Media

You really have to read
between the lines on social media
buy into the hype
how glorious people's lives are
everyone jealous of their 
amazing kids
stellar marriage
perfectly perfect lives
people aren't going to reveal their warts
But how I wish they could
at least be honest
all have things that aren't great
marriages that dull with time
kids who screw up
friendships that implode
money deals falling thru
barely holding a job in a wobbly market
After awhile
in reading most of their posts
I have to say
I find it to be almost comical
and a tough thing
to stomach
when you know their
real story

Sunday, April 10, 2011


Try not to drool on your keyboard

 The world's greatest steak in the world's greatest steakhouse
(note the HUGE pat of herbed butter?)

 How bad can a Cornish game hen be?
(plenty bad when you add wicked good potatoes and sour cream)

Truffle chocolate cake, anyone?
I had no words, as my eyes rolled back in ecstasy
(note the extra large dollop of whipped cream)
These are actual pictures 
I took with my handy dandy camera phone
of some of the stellar meals I ate
whatever reason
when I travel
I go balls to the wall
 eat whatever I want
when I want it
feeling an obligation to be polite
if something gets sent over
someone wants me to try
''the best thing on the planet''

This is not ideal

I realize
I simply cannot
 eat these kinds of calories
I was busy
walked a lot
swam most days
the reality is
as a 5'3'' female
I really should be subsisting 
a lettuce leaf and some broth
maybe a broiled chicken breast
sans spices
  I won't be traveling for the rest 
of April and most of May
so far anyway
I will be living like a cloistered nun
nibbling carrots
refusing luncheon dates
avoiding anything that resembles pizza
or cheese
or deliciousness
working out 2 hours a day
 bear with me please
as I cut back on

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Lean on Me

you step outside your comfort zone
 take on the cares of the world
try something new
it doesn't work out
and you fail miserably
you count on someone else
to provide you a soft spot to fall?
do they give you
constant caring and support
a shoulder to lean on
(or maybe a spot to shed a tear or two)
I suppose the bigger question would be
you in turn
give the same to them