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Sunday, October 31, 2010

Coffee Talk

(Yes, I drank them. Yes, I'm jittery)

Many of us mindlessly pop into Starbucks for a quick pick-me-up.

I did too. Quite often.

One day, while twirling my flimsy Starbucks cup in my hands, I started pondering......and thinking. And wondering. And scheming.

The coffee on the left cost me $4.50 (including tip).

I stood in line about 15 minutes and was subjected to an eye rolling 12 year old Barista when I fumbled my order. Heaven forbid.

By my reckoning, if I purchased this coffee 5 days a week, I will potentially be spending about $1,170 per year, wasting about 65 hours annually standing in line. I'm not even going into the damage the eye rolling is doing to my psyche.

Plus, the cup shown will take approx 500 years to break down completely in a landfill. That's 260 cups per year. With caps and straws. Yikes.

My simple solution:

Make a pitcher of very strong coffee, add in chocolate syrup and milk. Sugar to taste, if needed. Put into a reusable cup that looks like the Starbucks cup, so you're still in the ''in'' crowd (doesn't really matter to me, but I know it does to some folks)

I approximated my homemade coffee was about .36 cents per 12 oz glass (annual- $93.60), 4 minutes hands on effort (annual -17 hours), and I figure my $4.99 dishwasher safe, reusable Eco cup is going to be around for about 5 years (with daily use)

Annual Recap:

Money savings of $1,076

Time savings : 48 hours

Thoughts: Coffee tastes the same, little more effort and planning

Helping the environment and my bruised psyche: Priceless

Additional benefits:

Saving 48 hours means you have more time to do something you love. A lot of it.

Saving money means you don't have to work as many hours in a job (another time savings), or you can spend your $1,076 on something a little more worthwhile than an overpriced cup of coffee....for instance, right now 7 day Caribbean cruises are starting at $299 per person.

You should go.

Just sayin'......it really is the small stuff that adds up.

Saturday, October 30, 2010


I remember when I was a kid
(and when my own children were small)
we would spend hours
building and decorating
dazzling structures
hiding away
from the world
a wild array
blankets draped over tables
huge cardboard boxes
leafy tree houses
sweet smelling hay bale rooms
exclusive forts where we had the choice
of letting someone into it
(or not)
after all the planning and constructing
and some
sideline bickering
it was absolutely delicious
to spread out a blanket
lie on our backs
and just talk
it was at that time
dreams, secrets and thoughts
shared in whispers
seemed much more
profound, special

Thursday, October 28, 2010

A film recommendation.....

I saw the movie
''Never let me go''
in the theater a few days ago
It was simply brilliant
horrifying, moving, dark
but brilliant
well written, superbly acted
and was so
unusually intimate
it gave me chills
The only thing negative
I can say about this movie
to be completely honest and fair
would be that
Keira Knightly
needs both
a meaty sandwich
additional acting lessons
although her role isn't that important
(in my opinion)
Carey Mulligan
in the lead
exceeded my wildest expectations
I must say
this is
one of the few story lines
I cannot stop thinking about
even a couple of days

The Perfumery

My ''signature'' scent is one made
especially for me
it's a
lavender and lemon concoction
undertones of bergomot
I think it smells clean and simple and
very me
I believe
perfume manufacturers have the business of smells
all wrong
instead of flowery or citrus or herbal scents
some expensive Chanel confection
I think there are things that smell better
are more attractive to other people
for instance
I don't think there's a better scent than
the smell of a freshly bathed
the kind where you stick your nose
behind their neck
and breathe them in
the scent of the ocean
at high tide
with the fog rolling into the harbor
rain falling in the desert
and the sweet smell of
sage wafting in the wind
probably my most favorite scent of all
would be
waking up after camping
in a pine forest
with hot coffee and bacon
being cooked over a smoky

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Foolish Humans

I've seen people
who have made fools of themselves
in fact
shockingly enough....
I also have made a total ass
of myself on occasion
(I can tell you're totally shocked by this bit of news)
the one thing I wish everyone
could understand
as humans
we all make mistakes
we do screw up
learn the lesson
grow from the experience
forgive yourself
move forward
because it's just not acceptable
or fair
be harder on yourself
than you would be

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Post Tiara

(No, the above picture isn't me...sheesh!)

I've been lucky
I've had my share of
and I have enjoyed each and every one
I believe when you hit a certain age
you really have to step up your game
reinvent yourself
get even better
think outside the norms
learn something new
be interesting
freshen up
allow yourself
to be
swept under the rug
and forgotten
with the

Monday, October 25, 2010


Have you ever noticed
when you just know a bad smell
is about to occur
there's a dead skunk in the road
driving by a dairy farm
a paper mill
you breathe in deeply
despite telling yourself you won't
hating every minute
strangely fascinated
it's almost like your body
by animal instinct
takes over
and wants to know
what is really going
in the air
out there

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Oregon Hillbilly

Oregon may not be the hub of fashion
like Paris, New York or Los Angeles
we do have our share of class and sophistication
for instance
In Oregon we wear
Birkenstock sandals year round
adding socks in winter
Bicycle shorts to job interviews
(complete with helmet)
pretty much every day is
jeans and t-shirts
for a more professional look
tan khaki chinos and light blue button downs
(this is for girls AND guys)
anything hemp and organic
is perfectly acceptable
velvet is reserved for
Christmas and funerals
Nope, we aren't exactly the height of fashion
no matter how slovenly we get here
big shot fashionista regulations
we do have our standards
for instance
you'd never catch anyone in Oregon
wearing overalls and crocs
out in public

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Packing it in

Sometimes you need to know
when to hang in there
when to pause and reflect
and when to quit
what I don't understand
is the desire I have
to hang in there far too long
always wanting to know
how the story

Friday, October 22, 2010

Spanish Wheaties

(Yes, I ate the above...with assistance )

In Spain
there is a custom
for breakfast
dipping a
piping hot churro
(a deep fried doughnut strip)
warmed chocolate
which in Barcelona
a little thinner than pudding
thicker than American hot chocolate
sinfully rich
with a deep dark chocolate
creamy leftovers eaten with a spoon
a breakfast so
sweet, crunchy
divinely decadent
that I've decided to adopt the custom
for our
Christmas morning tradition
I'm thinking
if there is a heaven on Earth
this is

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Unfriending Hate

On my Facebook
I finally had to unfriend someone
completely took him off my friend's list
I'd known him since high school
I'm sure we'll hug and say hello at the reunion
the hate-filled posts
I was reading on a daily basis
from him
really started to get to me
would rant about Muslims
almost as if he knew each and every one
(odd, for a self proclaimed Christian man to do)

I asked him about his anger
He said the Muslims were behind the 9/11 attacks
to which I replied
''Just as I'm sure the majority of Muslims don't condone the
hijacker's behavior and were unaware of it
Christians would agree Jim Jones (of Uganda suicide fame)
probably doesn't represent them, either''

He had nothing to say about that
How could he?

I can live with civilized, thoughtful political discussions
Sort of

I can't live with hate filled rants
about certain ethnic or religious groups
just because they are different
We are all different, if you think about it

Insert "black/female/gay/Asian"
in place of "Muslim" in his Facebook posts
everyone would go nuts
its rare to see anyone
standing up for what is right
What's the difference between
him and the
Ku Klux Klan

I'm sure even a few KKK members
have their good points...
(they probably have great potluck recipes)
I wouldn't want them on my Facebook pages either
nor as my friends

And so...I took a stand
He no longer has me as an audience
And I'm stepping off my soapbox
For now

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Falling Down......

I'm sure
I will lose Karma points on this post
I'm human
I try to be a good one
from time to time
I let human frailties
get the better of me
That being said
there is nothing more satisfying
than to watch
someone who has hurt me in the past
whether they were
generally horrible
get their comeuppance
their just rewards
everything they deserve
in a negative sense
to know
they are pretty damn miserable
I didn't have to lift a finger
because the universe
takes care of these things

Monday, October 18, 2010

Confession #381

My confession
It's really been me that doesn't
put the lid on the toothpaste
I was able to blame it
on the kids for many years
despite the fact they rarely went into
our bathroom
I was able to get away with the deceit
until they moved out
oh no!
I was stuck
ham strung
with no plausible reasons
for doing something so heinous
enter in the
hotly accused
'mad toothpaste fairy'
which lasted a couple of years
that is
until I actually saw doubt on his face
I even tried convincing him he was the one
who did the deed
he had the cajones to call me on it
one day
how dare he
I suppose I should just be honest
be brave and truthful
like Abe Lincoln
only much shorter
(with less beard)
on this day
October 18, 2010
I confess
I am the culprit
I don't put the lid on the toothpaste
I allow it to ooze out onto the counter
wasteful and sad

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Fade to Black

After watching many of my friends
go through divorces
I've come to a conclusion
I think marriages die incrementally
Most of the time
there isn't a ''big boom''
and the relationship is over
I think it's a quiet pulling away
no longer sharing
thoughts and dreams
when the gregarious one goes silent
and the silent one goes missing
nobody talks about what is
really happening
like a giant elephant in the room
sometimes even the one thing
you had
something simple like saying
before falling asleep
doesn't happen anymore
maybe its like
packing a suitcase one item at a time
until all that's left
is to pull the zipper

Saturday, October 16, 2010


I've never put all my eggs in one basket
I don't think it's healthy
to just do or be one thing
For instance
if I identified
as being a dental hygienist
when I was no longer in that role
I'd be seriously devastated
I consider myself
to be a hygienist, a mother,
an entrepreneur, a wife
a food judge, a photographer, a friend, a potter
a biker, a writer, a cook, a swimmer
among other things
See what I mean
For me
it's much better to be many things
to have varied interests
in every aspect of life
old or young
if one interest goes missing
for whatever reason
another will slide
fairly easily
into the

Friday, October 15, 2010

Bubble Wrapped

There are times when I want to
gather up all my friends and family
and string them tightly
in bubble wrap
so they are protected
safe and sound
from anything or anyone
ever hurting them
then I realize
the only way to grow and learn
from experiences
good, bad or indifferent
is to actually


Thursday, October 14, 2010

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


I went on a trip a few weeks ago
was astounded at all the paraphernalia
I felt I had to bring with me
to stay connected
on my social networks
Blackberry, Kindle, iPod, Notebook
you name it
I had it
since all that equipment
needs fuel
I had to carry
power cords
I was lugging all this around in suitcases
going through customs and checkpoints
constantly updating online
where I was
what I was thinking or feeling
there was a moment on the trip
when inside my head
I yelled
I need to realize my needs are important
my time is valuable
I need to stay focused and present
I deserve inner peace
with less ''stuff''
face to face interactions
with friends & family
are where
memories are

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


I'm back on my diet and exercise plan
I've been derailed
this past few months
lured by
cream sauces
fried donuts
huge, bbq'd steaks
potato salads
I've managed to think up every reason
not to work out
I swear I'm like Goldilocks
''it's too hot''
''it's too cold''
''I'm not up to it''
''I'm busy''
Yeah, like most people
I'm an absolute hedonist
And soooooo
I am starting back again
with renewed vigor
this time I've pretty much run out of

Monday, October 11, 2010

12 o' clock

I think
if I could give a single gift to
women friends
it would be to have a ''Cinderella'' moment
a measure of time
when she feels like the princess she is
all is right in the world
glass slippers fit
wishes do come true
happily ever after
is possible
even if she happens to be
all by

Sunday, October 10, 2010


Remember when you were a young kid
you didn't have to compete
with anyone
none of your friends cared if you had
cute clothes
nice hair
skinny, fat or in between
tall or short
could run fast
had a big house
a new car
were smart and witty
you could be just
and you
were perfect
just as you

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Easy Breezy

Have you ever gone outside
by the sea
at midnight
and really
listened to the wind
in the sand
hugging yourself
against the cold
as the wind gusts
blow through your soul
tells you exactly
what you need to

Friday, October 8, 2010


We recently attended the memorial service
of Wes' Uncle Jim
He was 90 when he passed away
A man full of personality, warmth and charm
A kind heart, a good spirit
a man well loved
In the room of 200 people were friends, family and neighbors
he'd interacted with
over the years
the best part of the memorial was the photo montage
set to music
This set of pictures chronicled his life
from beginning to end
some pictures weren't great of him
some thought provoking
some were funny
all were uniquely
Uncle Jim
Seeing this made me sit up and think about something
in my life
since I'm always the one behind the camera
(this is by choice-I HATE having my picture taken)
where are the pictures of me
of things I've done
What will my kids have left of me
when I'm gone
besides memories
after thinking about this
I've vowed to stand in front of the camera
once in awhile
to allow candid shots to be taken
when I'm windblown
hair a mess
looking simply awful
because after all
there's nothing worse
than a blank or spindly power point
at your own

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Eau de Drama

Have you ever unknowingly
stood next to someone spraying
themselves with perfume
instantly you're awash in it
you smell terrible
your throat feels like it's closing up
you can taste every molecule
and it's really unpleasant
I think of drama in the same way
I seem to get spritzed with it
often innocently
as the person spraying walks away
smelling great
feeling confident
I get to be the one standing there
with burning eyes
and a
sore throat

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

A New Normal

I'm suspecting this economy isn't going to recover
in a hurry
if at all
I think we're all looking at
''the new normal''
many have changed their frivolous ways
of McMansions
expensive cars
rampant spending
designer clothes
spendy coffee drinks
are starting to live within their means
and not off of credit cards
which is great
I suppose everyone has learned some life lessons
but I think the biggest two
not to take a job
each other
for granted

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Mama Bear

I've always been a
mama bear
the kind that lets her kids make mistakes
I don't coddle
if they are injured or hurt
I'm on full alert
ready to step in and rescue
during a recent ship to shore excursion at work
my son has broken the joint of his ankle
he is in a cast
for a couple of months
possibly going into surgery to
piece the entire thing back together
He's also in Texas
which is
2200 miles away from me
In my imagination
he's practically an invalid
unable to hobble around
crying and writhing in pain
in the dark
(I have no idea why I added that--just seems worse, doesn't it?)
he totally needs his mother
when I offered up my services
as a Mom
(HIS Mom)
I was refused
He told me to wait until
he needed surgery
apparently that's when I'm welcome
to come to Texas
I guess this means
he doesn't need me as much as I thought
how dare
he grow up and become
self sufficient

Monday, October 4, 2010

Sunday, October 3, 2010


I don't see a difference
between these women
in their zeal to be outwardly pious
I believe
the people
have completely missed the point
of true

Saturday, October 2, 2010


I don't care how much I travel
how far or where
still a thrill
to have my passport stamped
I like to think my
passport is like a tiny diary
with a terrible

Friday, October 1, 2010


I have no idea how he does it
for a guy who never has cash
in his wallet
(so he SAYS..hmmppff)
Wes seems to constantly have loose change in his pocket
at first I was annoyed
it's gotten to be comical
I have change jars set throughout the house
to make life convenient
somehow those dimes and nickels end up on the floor
In fact
I suspect
if you turned my house upside down
and shook it vigorously
all the loose change would fall to the ground
you'd probably never have to work