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Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day

While I appreciate the sentiments
Memorial Day
taking a moment to
thank our veterans
I can't help but think
of the other
who strive to keep us safe
police officers and firefighters
they have no days set aside
no acknowlegment
other than
someobody who knows somebody
who once got a ticket
in a town for going over the speed limit
or has heard rumor of a dirty cop
of those stories
let's not forget
police officers and firefighters
are there to ensure our safety too
so today
I honor you

While you sleep, we're there.
When you're sitting down to Thanksgiving dinner, or celebrating Christmas, we're there.
When it’s raining and cold, and you're glad to be in your home with your family, we're out there.
When it's your children's birthday, we're out there.
When it's our children's birthday, we're still out there.
You put on a suit and dress to go to work, we strap on a ballistic vest and a gun.
There's little room for error in your job, in ours there is none.
An error by you means a demotion; an error by us means a funeral.
When you tell your families "see you tonight" as you leave for work, you mean it. When we tell our family that, we pray we will.
At your job you strive to succeed, at our job we strive to survive.
In your job, one bad person is the talk of the office, in our job; one bad officer makes the news and suddenly we’re all bad.
In these headlines it's not what good we've done, but how much better it could have been done.
When you're scared you call us, when we're scared, we must carry on.
While you're eating a home cooked meal, we're having another hamburger.
While you're asleep with your spouse, ours sleep alone.
So the next time you're out with your family or friends, and you see a patrol car go by, remember the incredible sacrifice made by these officers every day.
Inside that car is a person that sacrifices his/her life, both professionally and personally Everyday.

- Author Unknown-

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Sentimental Lady

Back when my kids were very small
I had a milk man
delivered twice a week
the most delicious milk
glass bottles
It was like heaven
opening up the door
in the wee early morning light
before my babies woke up
seeing those cold, glistening bottles
sitting there on my
front porch

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Stilletos, age 4

Childhood is fleeting
and for some reason
we seem to want to make adults out of children too soon
I'm talking about small kids wearing adult type clothing
I was in a shop
the other day
and I saw 2'' heels on toddler's shoes
What about running.....playing...jumping?
Not to sound like I was perfect
My kids didn't even own a pair of hard soled shoes
they were 2 years old
while I refused to speak baby talk to them
call their body parts by any names
what they were
I still made an effort to honor their childhood
for the gift that it is
I suppose
I find value
mud puddles, watching clouds go by
fingerpainting huge sheets of white paper
big cardboard boxes
camping in the back yard, a homemade raft on the pond
wagon plummeting down a hillside
pots and pan drums
petting a kitten
catching bugs
running for the sheer joy of open space
to me
there isn't anything more annoying than
the prideful look of a parent
as they watch
their kid
who is so precocious
and dull
he or she
(and fails)
to be older than they

Wants vs. Needs

I've been pondering lately
wants versus needs
We all have needs
food, shelter, oxygen and love
I'm pretty sure most of the people
I am around
have those basics covered
but what about their wants
Do people really get what they truly want?
I mean
What would happen
a person did exactly
what they wanted
without regard for the people
around them
their responsibilities

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Strawberry Season

If you've never tried this....you're in for a huge treat.
I've made these strawberries for a number of people
never failed to get a 'WOW' reaction.

Yes, I realize it sounds weird.
Just trust me.

Strawberries, sliced
Balsamic vinegar
Brown sugar

Drizzle the balsamic over strawberries, add the brown sugar. Stir until covered
(and yes, I ate these right after taking their photograph...mmmmm)

Monday, May 24, 2010

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Sugar Shock

Friday was a 3 shower day
First, I took a regular shower, put on makeup and spritzed perfume
Then, forgetting I spritzed perfume....I spritzed another round
Back into the shower to scrub off aforementioned excessive scent
My short term memory is just gone, I swear.
With good intention in hand, I took off for the local food co-op
I feel like such an impostor in this place with women running around
in organic hemp clothing, dreadlocks and unshaven legs.
The men are lanky, bearded and smell of pot and incense.
While picking up my favorite bread and milk, I noticed a wall full of spigots
with the most adorable glass bottles on a shelf underneath
Looking closely, I saw the spigots dispensed honey, sorghum, molasses
and pure maple syrup
Since I was out of maple syrup, I decided to give it a go and try my hand at siphoning my own.
Feeling totally pious (look how well I'm acclimating to hippy life ! WOOT!!),
I watched the syrup slllloooowwwwllllyyy make its way into my bottle.
Something was wrong. Seemed there was a buildup of air in the line.

So, like all impatient people, I jiggled the handle.

Suddenly, there was a 3 foot high arc of pure maple syrup spraying all over me, the floor and, judging from the squeal of another person behind me...a fellow shopper.
I was covered and dripping in about a quart of sticky syrup. GAH!
Probably the worst part beyond the maniacal laughter around me was hearing the sound of the overhead PA
saying with some urgency''We have a clean up in syrups-HURRY''.

Yeah, that would be ME.
I'm the ''wet cleanup in aisle 5''.
Good God.

I stood there frozen, staring, and dripping with my half filled bottle of syrup and wondering if I should just wring out my clothes into the bottle, make a run for it, or agree to be weighed on the way out of the store and pay the difference.

Funny what goes through your brain in these kinds of moments.

Thank goodness I was shown the back room and was able to clean up a little before getting into my car for the drive home.
I figured I'd better get cleaned up in a hurry in case there were ants around, so I headed to the nearest shower once I got home.
As I was showering AGAIN (if you're counting...this is shower #3),
Wes came home.
He popped his head into the bathroom...and said ''Why is the syrup bottle all sticky and only half filled?''
He wasn't quite fast enough to duck the wet sponge I threw at him.
At least my aim is still good

Friday, May 21, 2010

Sticky Subject

What wasn't mentioned, was the fact
that she received a free education already
America's public school system
I wish her well
I agree with the gentleman in this case

Thursday, May 20, 2010

A few photos

It's easy to take a good picture
when you're surrounded by

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


After losing a loved one
whether it be a person
or a pet
to death or another
there comes a time when
you decide not to love again
for awhile
to close down that emotion
to refuse to give in
to the vulnerablity
that love brings
I suppose
that is the problem with love
it opens up your heart to being crushed
Love brings
highest highs and the lowest of lows
those lows can be devastating
sometimes for a lifetime
Part of choosing to love
is realizing
that love is indeed

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Difficult Women

I had a long chat with a male friend
We were solving the world's problems
over a
frosty glass of iced tea
During this talk
he was
lamenting the reshaping of his love life
he and his long
time partner had split recently
While sitting there amidst
hub bub of the restaurant
he asked the somewhat rhetorical question
''Why does love have to be so difficult?''
I looked at him
across from me
good looking, successful, interesting
and I
decided in that minute
to be brutally honest
without skipping a beat
I said
in a matter of fact tone
''Because you like intelligent, complicated, complex women''
While he absorbed this statement
I saw him nodding absently
to keep his interest
he actually needs
someone multi faceted
and difficult
even if
she is a royal pain in the ass
a lot
of the time

Monday, May 17, 2010

Kitchen Clambake Recipe

In a dutch oven, saute:

2 leeks, sliced
1 onion, sliced
2 T olive oil

Don't let them get brown, just sweat them.
Obviously, if you're feeding a crowd, you'll need to increase leeks, onions and olive oil-I do this amount for feeding 2-4 people.

Add in this order:

Small red potatoes, whole
Polska Kielbasa, Cut into 3'' lengths
Corn on the cob, husked and snapped in 2
1 bottle white wine (or more if you have a huge pot of stuff), use enough to cover about 2-3'' of the bottom of the pot
Let come to the boil and turn to medium and simmer for about 15 mins.
Lid on.

Then add in your seafood
(Can be any variety you want)

Lobster tails
Live clams
White fish (make sure they are thick and hearty sized)
Shrimp, raw and unshelled

You may have to put the seafood in the pot in shifts, as lobster tails take about 15 mins to steam and scallops 3 minutes. Just figure it out based on density and general cooking times. clams and mussels are done when they are open. Shrimp, lobster and crab when bright pinkish red. Add more wine if things are looking like they are drying out.

Pull everything out of the pot, drain. Save some of the juice for dipping bread if you want.
Layer newspapers onto a picnic table and spread the feast out in the middle.
Have bowls of melted butter available

Serve with salad and sourdough french bread.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Dewey Boy McTavish

Dewey McTavish died today
He was 11 years old
We had him a mere 2.5 years
if feels like
that he's been underfoot
always looking for a handout
or to
chase a passing squirrel
keeping the yard safe for his family
so we let him think
It's interesting
when we rescued him from
a terriby neglectful situation
we thought he was so lucky
that we found him
when in fact
WE were
the lucky

Sunday, May 9, 2010

I'm an Aries. All the way.

In personal relationships, Aries natives are frank, high-spirited, direct and candid. They make for enthusiastic and generous friends, but need to curb their competitive impuluses and the manner in which those impulses affect those around them. Subject of this Sign also need to learn how to temper their natural aggressiveness and use reason coupled with diplomacy when dealing with others. Generally, when it comes to friendships, these individuals get along better with members of their own gender rather than members of the opposite sex. Since those governed by Aries like to get their own way and often pit the wishes of self against what is best for any partnership, this can frequently lead to conflict. The capacity for deep affection should result in faithfulness with regard to both love and friendship, but these natives need to guard against an inclination toward jealousy and/or over-possessiveness. There is a strong belief here that "what is mine, is mine," which could easily manifest itself in an overly-dominating attitude toward certain family members.
Usually possessed with a high sex drive, individuals ruled by Aries make for passionate but fastidious lovers. However, there is a negative side to associations with others. Aries natives are easily irritated by slowness or moderation in companions and, though sensitive themselves, will often ride roughshod over the sensitivities of those around them. There is some difficulty here regarding an understanding the opposite sex, which can cause much misunderstanding and unhappiness when it comes to love affairs. The intensity of the Aries sexual urge can drive the individual who falls within this Sign's jurisdiction toward promiscuity and a counting of conquests. It can also trick its natives into an early and often unwise marriage which could end in disaster. In the home, Aries individuals will always want to be "top dog" and are extremely possessive of their mates, but not always the most faithful of partners themselves. Romantic Aries individuals usually have no need of "hearts and flowers" to give them that "warm and fuzzy" glow. Far more important to them is a partner who is equally strong and self-possessed...one who will challenge them to reach greater heights both mentally and physically. It also helps if the Aries' partner can handle the occasional fiery argument and become a master at the art of reconciliation.

In spite of the fact that the Aries nature is passionate one with a gift for loving deeply, these individuals do not wear their hearts on their sleeves. Although they themselves may not be good at expressing their love in words, they do adore hearing endearments from their loved ones and can listen to declarations of undying affection and everlasting fidelity with the most ardent appreciation. The greatest Aries weakness in affairs of the heart is a tendency to cross-examine and ask too many questions. Although these individuals are not in the habit of mincing words, it is important to be tactful with sweethearts or keep silent when things get out of hand. By being more tolerant, those governed by this Sign will find greater happiness. Aries natives are possessed with a red-hot energy which often proves irresistible...and is certainly never boring. They prefer to initiate relationships and the role of seducer comes to them quite easily. However, this sizzling "dance of romance" will only work on those strong enough to stay in the game. In short, and Aries individual desire a partner who can go toe-to-toe...whether it be over lunch or in the bedroom.

Due to a strong executive ability, Aries subjects usually do better on their own rather than by entering into any business partnership. However, they do need business associates to a degree and their best choice would likely be a native of Taurus. While Aries can team well with Sagittarius, Aquarius and Pisces, any of these are apt to profit more from the alliance unless the Aries individual is strongly dominant. Any business association between Aries and Capricorn or Aries and Scorpio may prove to be highly productive of problems.

Though usually insistent on strict discipline, Aries parents are highly devoted to their children, even to the point of laying down their own lives. In short, there is no more defensive or loving parent to be found within the entire Zodiac.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Ice Castles

I really don't care if this is considered a cheesy movie nowadays
I've always liked the ending part

Thursday, May 6, 2010

The Whack-A--Mole Champ

Isn't it funny how a few words
that nobody else would
can convey so much
make you feel hugged
from afar?

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Hands of Time

Are some things just inevitable?
No matter how hard you fight it
happens anyway
I've observed there is a pattern to life
and no matter
what path I'm choosing
there it is
Front and center
so admire those
who live life on their own terms
seems to skip them
It's funny
I would like to be counted
one of those lucky people
my biggest fear
is running with
the crowd
being seen as