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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Rolling here!!!!

Some things just make me laugh
And NO
This isn't for the 'against profanity' crowd
Listen at your own risk

(back story: Sarah Silverman has been dating Jimmy Kimmel for 5 years)

Jimmy Kimmel's video response to Sarah Silverman's previous video

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

420 Duuuuuuuude !!!

I don't smoke pot
I am
Going on record here as a cop's wife and a health professional
I do believe marijuana should be legalized
Don't be
My husband has been a police officer 34 years
not once
was he ever threatened in a bar fight
ran off the road
witnessed violent behavior
by someone under the influence of marijuana
If pot isn't legal, I don't understand why alcohol
Everyone knows an alcoholic
someone caught up
the whole drinking scene
I know a few medical marijuana
card carriers
to be honest, I think thats bogus
since we all know there isn't anything wrong with them
warrant a marijuana prescription
I hate how puffed up they
about ''scamming the system''
those are the people who will ruin a good thing
for someone who truly needs the drug
What if marijuana were legalized?
Handled the same way
as alcohol
21 years or older
taxed to death
Smokers not allowed to drive
with pot in their system
And Yes
Employers should be allowed to discriminate
against pot smokers
since the effects
stay in the system so long
Would that be all right?
Would this country then shift
real crime fighting?
As for me
I won't smoke marijuana
I would make damn sure
my medical team
of my
Family Doctor, Surgeon, or Dentist
didn't puff on the 'ol ganja
We have to stay sharp
alert and aware
no matter

Monday, March 29, 2010

Springtime in Oregon

Went to the tulip farm yesterday
Took too many pictures to post
Here are a few favorites
I love living where this kind of beauty is commonplace
Spring.....a time of new beginnings

Sunday, March 28, 2010

The nerve of it all

Did you know the Olfactory nerve
is the shortest nerve and is directly linked to the brain?
It leads from the nose to the frontal lobe
the frontal lobe of the brain
is responsible for
personality and emotions
Still with me here?
This is why an odor can take you back
to a time
evoke strong emotions
Case in point
I found and bought
Agree shampoo
had it imported and shipped
Agree hasn't been made
in the USA
for about 25 years
In shampooing with this concoction
I was transported back to high school
that smell
reminded me of my high school boyfriend
He'd always used Agree
I had forgotten that fact
until that very moment
It's funny
For a split second
I was again

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Friday, March 26, 2010

Regrets, I've had a few.....

I try to live my life without regrets
when I am on my deathbed
years from now
I don't have a pile of things
that I wish I'd done
not done
There is one exception
I wish so hard
I could fix
Back in July 2009
I made a huge mistake
great big giant enormous
very bad
hurt someone very very close to me
I wish I could tell him
my actions were the equivalent
of throwing stones
at a dog you love dearly
so they turn away
from potential danger
save themselves
but alas
the time for me
to speak up
has long

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Let's go.

(yes, this is my kite)

I had very few hard and fast rules for my kids
as they were growing up
except for one
they were required to always carry a kite in their car
You just never know when the chance to play will
find you
If you aren't prepared for that moment of
a perfect breeze
an open field
you miss out
I realized even then that was probably
an odd rule to have
I recently read a letter my son had written to a friend
about his parents
(that would be Wes and I in case you didn't know)
In this letter
He said simply
''My Father gave me the gift of silence, so I am comfortable not speaking''
''My Mother gave me the gift of spirit and adventure''
As I read his letter I was stunned
that he had recognized
these things already
at the tender age of 23
then I had to laugh aloud
in delight
I opened up my 26 year old daughter's car trunk
the other day
and found
sitting quietly in the corner
ready for fun
was a
great big glorious colorful

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


No matter how you
look at it
A bird in a gilded cage
is still
just a trapped

Sunday, March 21, 2010

System of a Down

If your belief system
(whatever it is)
doesn't affect your behavior
why bother having a
belief system

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Constant Cravings......

Metaphorically speaking
Have you ever met someone
who was continually
Someone who constantly
strives for
Their insatiable thirst
never quenched
no matter how
much they drink
They are never satisfied
They cannot relax
rejoice in what they already have
because they are
looking too far ahead
My advice to these types
is to enjoy the journey
live in the moment
the now
laugh and sing loudly
be the last to let go in a hug
live juicy
without regrets
be silly
make big mistakes
get messy
love those in your life
for these
really are the best days
of your life

Monday, March 15, 2010

Poor Molly !!

I have a GPS System in my car
She speaks with a Australian accent
I call her 'Molly'
She helps me daily
since I get lost
have no clue where I am most of the time
I know
I'm pathetic
I need her if I ever go beyond
the borders of my small town
That's not altogether true
I need her to get around locally too
Its cute to hear her
voice telling me to ''turn in .5 miles''
if I don't go the route she has pre-planned
for me
or I miss a turn
I swear
Her voice gets rather tense
and she says
not as sweetly
There is a definite edge
Molly then
I guess I should be grateful
she isn't screeching at me
for all the extra work
I'm making her do
All in all
I adore knowing where I am
On the other hand
Some of my most
favorite adventures happened
when I
was utterly

Subliminal Messages?

Yes, I do
All the time

New Horizons

It's been a year
The economy today is worse in Oregon
than it was
when I lost my job
So, I need to look into doing
something else
I'm not one to rest on my laurels
(just what IS a laurel, anyway?)
I've got a book
nearly completed
I can't really talk about it yet
I think it's relevant
and honest
And pretty darn funny
the hooting laughter
of my friends that have
read it
are any indication
I also have had
quite a few conversations
with very trusted people
about marketing
my BBQ sauce
quite possibly
my Apricot Pepper Jam
I may even toss in
Steak Marinade
for good measure
Breaking into the food business
is one of the hardest things
one can do
(that'd be the family nickname for me)
has returned
and this time
she's kicking ass
and taking
no prisoners
In writing this down
I can look back and say
in 2010
the economy was tough
but that is when
I got

Saturday, March 13, 2010


If I am your friend
you know
I have your back
completely and without question
it's pretty hard to stand up for someone
and not betray their confidences
I'm being tossed like garbage
under the bus
my so called ''friend''
doesn't take their rightful responsibility
and allows this damage to happen
so they don't have to
what they really want
who they are
In thinking this over
I'm realizing
this is one of those
life lessons
I have to learn
over and over
until I

Friday, March 12, 2010

A sad day.....

My best friend Reggie lost her father this week
She's flown back home to Australia for the funeral
My heart and thoughts are with her
Here's her Dad, Ron Tacchi in action.
A legend?
Oh yeah.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Lunch Buddy

Apparently I have become the newest craze amongst my circle of friends.

I am a "lunch buddy".

Since I'm not working yet (stupid Oregon Economy!), I get calls from friends who want to 'do lunch'. They maybe don't have time for a full blown evening out, but can spare an hour here or there during working hours.

I really like it 'cause it gets me out and about, and I'm not commited to an entire day or evening of fun. My weekends are still free in case Wes wants to do something or (heaven forbid) I'm cleaning the house.

My friends enjoy meeting me for lunch 'cause we can catch up, they don't have to eat alone, and it's kind of festive to go out with a friend on an otherwise ordinary week day.

Maybe I should hire myself out as a "lunch companion". I could have a menu prepared and they could pick topics/flavors of the day....

Monday Topic: "How I never get time to myself" Food: Personal pan pizza of your choice, individually wrapped cupcake and 12 oz soft drink in single serving can (of course!). Occasional pats on the shoulder are included in the price, although I am also willing to sit at another table and keep people away from you. This is a decision that must be made prior to the lunch date. Note: I cannot do both, please don't ask.

Tuesday Topic: "Man Problems/Conflicts" Food: Mountain Oysters, Spotted Dick, Tongue Sandwiches with horseradish sauce. Willing to listen about the mother in law issue for an extra fee. No tape recorders allowed. Memories erased at the end of the bitching session 'cause we both know it's never going to change.

Wednesday Topic :"Kid Fun and Advice-from-someone-who-has-been-there" Food: Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches diagonally cut with the crusts removed, box of Twinkies , Kool-Aid without those floaty things from the kid's sneaking sips from your glass. Smug -Free Zone. Eye Rolling is elective. Souvienir sippy cup included.

Thursday Topic: "On Being a Woman Today" Food: Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, Celery, Chocolate Cake, Diet Coke, Midol. You may want to consider a heating pad and tissue for a small additional cost, depending on what day of the month our appointment falls on.

Friday Topic: "My Job Sucks" Food: Any kind of brown liquor. Optional call to boss in case client cannot make it back to the office after lunch, extra fee for dental prescription due to your Friday afternoon 'root canal'

Hmmm...I could be on to something here.

Remember, everyone told Col. Sanders he was crazy to franchise fried chicken!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Fins and Gills

I don't know why
I'm much more comfortable
in water
than anywhere

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

This makes me thirsty..and smile.


There are certain people that you bump from your life
for various reasons
Sometimes they aren't good for you
Sometimes the relationship is toxic
Even if this is the case
It can be hard to let go
I have learned to continue walking away
Not looking back
No regrets
Knowing I did the best I could
with the information
and energy
I had
At the time
Taking the high road
living well
the very best

Monday, March 1, 2010

Year One

Year One
One of the best ''laugh out loud'' movies I've seen in a long time
The humor is sophmoric and clever
It really was brilliant
Long live Harold Ramis--he produced, co-wrote and directed.